Visual experience and brain development
Rashi Pant, Young Researcher in the group of Hector Fellow Brigitte Röder, is first author of the paper “Stimulus-evoked and resting-state alpha oscillations show a linked dependence on patterned visual experience for development” published in the journal "NeuroImage: Clinical”. The study investigates the connection between visual experience and brain development.
The research highlights a correlation between reduced stimulus-evoked alpha oscillations after sight recovery and poor visual outcomes. The findings suggest that an impaired interaction between top-down and bottom-up processing in the visual hierarchy, indicated by the simultaneous reduction in resting-state and stimulus-evoked alpha oscillations, could contribute to incomplete behavioral recovery in individuals with transient congenital blindness.
Overall, the study concludes that the interaction of feedback and feedforward signals, which tunes the early visual cortex to best match the expected visual environment, requires vision during a sensitive period in early development.