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17. June 2020
New publi­ca­tion by Sandra Wagner

A paper by Sandra Wagner was published in the Open Access journal PLOS ONE

The journal PLOS ONE is an inclu­sive journal commu­nity working together to advance science for the benefit of society, now and in the future.

The article titled "Review of the appli­ca­tion of the open-source software CilOCT for semi-automatic segmen­ta­tion and analy­sis of the ciliary muscle in OCT images" by HFA doctoral student Sandra Wagner analyzes the segmen­ta­tion of the ciliary muscle using optical coher­ence tomog­ra­phy. Until now, segmen­ta­tion of the ciliary muscle is often performed manually using either custom-devel­oped programs or image process­ing software. The article presents a novel software for semi-automatic segmen­ta­tion of the ciliary muscle which is foster­ing documen­ta­tion and repro­ducibil­ity of research through the possi­bil­ity of repli­cat­ing the analysis.

The paper was produced in collab­o­ra­tion with Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner as well as Torsten Straßer who is research­ing at the Insti­tute of Ophthal­mol­ogy at the Eberhard Karls Univer­sity of Tübingen.
