© Hector Fellow Academy
3. February 2021
Ralf Barten­schlager receives Beijer­ick Virol­ogy Prize

On January 29, 2021, it was revealed that Ralf Barten­schlager will receive the "M.W. Beijer­inck Virol­ogy Prize"

Thus, Barten­schlager again receives a presti­gious inter­na­tional award for his ground­break­ing research on the hepati­tis C virus. Beyond his scien­tific achieve­ments, the jury lauded the renowned virol­o­gist "as a source of inspi­ra­tion" for young scien­tists. Among other things, he advises and super­vises students in the study programs he created and coordinates.

He will receive the €35,000 award, along with a medal, on March 5, 2021, at the Dutch Annual Virol­ogy Sympo­sium, which will be held in digital forum format. The Royal Nether­lands Academy of Arts and Sciences awards the prize, named after Marti­nus Willem Beijer­inck, a Dutch natural scien­tist and pioneer of micro­bi­ol­ogy, every two years to inter­na­tional leaders in virology.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Ralf Bartenschlager!