© Markus Scholz / Leopoldina
14. July 2020
Schölkopf to give Marsil­ius Lecture

On July 16, 4 pm (CEST), the Marsil­ius Lecture by Hector Fellow Schölkopf will be made available

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schölkopf, who works at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Intel­li­gent Systems in Tübin­gen and was awarded the Hector Science Prize 2018, is one of the founders of devel­op­ments in infor­ma­tion technol­ogy such as machine learn­ing and artifi­cial intelligence.

In the Marsil­ius Lecture, which will be avail­able as a record­ing on the YouTube channel of Heidel­berg Univer­sity from July 16 at 4 pm (CEST), Hector Fellow Schölkopf will explain how automa­tion and machine learn­ing have become driving forces of modern technol­ogy. The lecture is titled "Symbol­is­che, Statis­tis­che und Kausale Intelligenz".

The Marsil­ius College of Heidel­berg Univer­sity organizes the Lectures once a semes­ter. Here, outstand­ing schol­ars are invited to speak on topics that affect both the acade­mic and general public. Follow­ing the Lecture, the Marsil­ius College awards Profes­sor Schölkopf with the Marsil­ius Medal for the promo­tion of dialogue between scien­tific cultures.