© Hector Fellow Academy
19. May 2020
Study on COVID-19 in children

New research labora­tory in Munich 

A team, led by Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein, is conduct­ing a new study in the first COVID-19 research labora­tory in Munich.

Part of the team is also current Hector Fellow Academy doctoral researcher Daniel Peter­sheim. The aim of the study is to find out why children fall ill less frequently and usually less heavily than adults.

To find that out, infected patients will be given a throat swab to detect the SARS-CoV‑2 virus that causes respi­ra­tory disease. A stool sample and a blood sample are also taken. All samples are mixed with a substance that makes the virus inactive, so that the researchers do not become infected.

The exami­na­tion of the samples should answer the key question of which defence cells, proteins and genes are activated by the corona virus. Although the study is specif­i­cally aimed at the disease in children, the results are also trans­fer­able to adults and thus relevant for all SARS-CoV‑2 patients. In total, the study will collect data from 500 children.

The current state of research is, that in addition to the virus, an overre­ac­tion of the immune system is proba­bly respon­si­ble for the severe course of the disease. First official results are expected in a few months.