10. April 2024
Sympo­sium 2024: Why do children and adults learn differently?

Top-class program offers fasci­nat­ing insight into the world of the human brain and children's learn­ing mechanisms

Babies and children learn through play and shape their cogni­tive, social and emotional skills in the process. But what makes learn­ing in child­hood so unique? What role do the mecha­nisms in the brain play? And what are the conse­quences of a lack of optimal learn­ing conditions?

These and many other questions will be the focus of the upcom­ing Hector Fellow Academy 2024 sympo­sium entitled "Why do children and adults learn differ­ently?". The top-class program offers a fasci­nat­ing insight into the world of the human brain. The renowned psychol­o­gist and neuro­sci­en­tist Brigitte Röder (Univer­sität Hamburg) and the invited speak­ers and experts Sebas­t­ian Frank (Univer­sity of Regens­burg), Ileana Hanganu-Opatz (Univer­sity Medical Center Hamburg-Eppen­dorf), Thomas Elbert (Univer­sity of Konstanz) and Martin Korte (Technis­che Univer­sität Braun­schweig) will present current research findings on the mecha­nisms of children's learn­ing and trauma research. The science evening will be moder­ated by the well-known author and televi­sion presen­ter Andrea Grieß­mann (WDR).

The event contin­ues the series of Germany-wide symposia of the Hector Fellow Academy (HFA). There, renowned experts present current research topics in a gener­ally and under­stand­able way and discuss future vision. The HFA is a young science academy that promotes cutting-edge inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research around STEM fields, psychol­ogy and medicine.

The event will take place on July 11, 2024, at 6 pm at the Univer­sity of Hamburg and will be simul­ta­ne­ously livestreamed. Atten­dance is free, and English simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion will be provided.

Inter­ested persons are cordially invited to regis­ter for the sympo­sium on site or via livestream via the Hector Fellow Academy website and immerse themselves in the fasci­nat­ing world of the human brain.