© Hector Fellow Academy
1. February 2022
Thomas Lengauer becomes Fellow of the ACM

Thomas Lengauer is elected Fellow of the Associ­a­tion for Comput­ing Machinery

The (US) Associ­a­tion for Comput­ing Machin­ery (ACM), the world's largest and most impor­tant organi­za­tion of computer scien­tists, has admit­ted Thomas Lengauer, Joël Ouaknine and Bernt Schieles (both also at the Max Planck Insti­tute) to its circle of Fellows.

Since 1993, the ACM, founded in 1947, has honored with the status of Fellow the one percent of its members who have made the most outstand­ing achieve­ments in the field of computer and infor­ma­tion technol­ogy. To date, only 19 researchers in Germany have been elected to the highest category of the leading computer science organization.

The ACM thus recog­nizes the Hector Fellow's outstand­ing achieve­ments in bioin­for­mat­ics and medical informatics.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Thomas Lengauer!