© Hector Fellow Academy
10. November 2021
Video Portrait about Franz Nestmann

The video about water and water struc­tur­ing gives insight into the projects of Franz Nestmann

In his career as a researcher, Prof. Dr. Franz Nestmann has been involved in many areas related to water, but special empha­sis should be given to the construc­tion and optimiza­tion of hydropower plants and the supply of water to people in remote regions abroad. Franz Nestmann was head of the Insti­tute for Water and River Basin Manage­ment at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT) from 1994 to 2021.

See here in the short video "Water and water body struc­tur­ing" how and what Prof. Dr. Franz Nestmann and Andreas Müller (doctoral researcher funded by the Hector Fellow Academy) are working on and how their research contributes to climate protection.