Creat­ing the Future
Workshops & Conferences

Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Workshop: Adaptive Epigenomics

Build­ing a Bridge Between Animal and Human Research

The inter­dis­ci­pli­nary workshop "Adaptive Epige­nomics" took place on the 24th and 25th of July 2017 in the monastery Hegne near Constance. The event was organized by the Hector Fellows Thomas Elbert and Axel Meyer, as well as by the young scien­tists Dr. Amber Makow­icz, Daniela Conrad and Maggie Sefton, who are promoted by the Hector Fellow Academy. The workshop combined the two research fields of the organiz­ers: Clini­cal Psychol­ogy and Evolu­tion­ary Biology. In addition to lectures by inter­na­tional scien­tists on the latest research in the field of "Epige­nomics," the partic­i­pants were also offered hands-on exercises for the analy­sis of epige­netic data. The aim of the workshop was to build a bridge between human and animal research.


Dr. Tuncay Baubec

Intro­duc­tion: What is epige­net­ics and what can we learn from it?

The joint workshop combin­ing the fields of clini­cal psychol­ogy and evolu­tion­ary biology was held to demon­strate how epige­netic studies can be used to build a bridge between human and animal research.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert

Epige­netic repro­gram­ming of the human genome follow­ing violent experi­ences: Adapta­tion or maladap­ta­tion to a violent environment?

Dr. Vanja Vukojevic

Epige­net­ics of human memory: In health and disease

Dr. Chris Murga­troyd — Animal models of epigenomics

The joint workshop combin­ing the fields of clini­cal psychol­ogy and evolu­tion­ary biology was held to demon­strate how epige­netic studies can be used to build a bridge between human and animal research.

Dr. Vanja Vukoje­vic — Method­ol­ogy of epige­netic studies — MCN Experience

Dr. Amber Makow­icz — Behav­ioral and epige­netic adaption to chronic stress in fish

The talk of Dr. Amber Makow­icz during the workshop "Adaptive Epige­nomics", Konstanz, 25th July 2017.

Dr. Tomàs Marqués-Bonet — An evolu­tion­ary perspec­tive to human methylation

Aus Daten­schutz­grün­den kann der Vortrag von Dr. Tomàs Marqués-Bonet nicht auf dieser Website veröf­fentlicht werden.

Dr. Bridgett vonHoldt — The role of ecology and evolu­tion in shaping DNA methy­la­tion varia­tion in non-human species

This workshop was financed by the Hector Fellow Academy and organized by the members Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert, Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer, Dr. Amber Makow­icz, Daniela Conrad and Maggie Sefton.

Dr. Robert Philib­ert — Approaches for the analy­sis of epige­netic data

The talk of Dr. Robert Philib­ert during the workshop "Adaptive Epige­nomics", Konstanz, 25th July 2017.