3D Printing — Customized and at the Push of a Button
Symposium 2022
Karlsruhe — The symposium of the Hector Fellow Academy entitled "3D Printing — Customized and at the Push of a Button" took place on Thursday, 7 July 2022, at the Konzerthaus in Karlsruhe. The symposium was also broadcast via livestream. The Hector Fellow Academy and its cooperation partners, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O), hosted the event. About 250 participants on site and 400 online participants took advantage of the offer and were able to ask questions to the speakers. The recording of the event is now available in German and English on YouTube.
In previous years, the event was held in Tübingen, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Heidelberg and Bremen. Since the founding of the HFA, the symposium was held in Karlsruhe for the first time. Martin Wegener, professor at the Institute of Applied Physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), speaker of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O) and president of the Hector Fellow Academy (HFA), was the organizer of the symposium.
This year´s symposium was dedicated to the topic of 3D printing with applications from the engineering sciences and the life sciences under the title "3D Printing — Customized and at the Push of a Button". 3D printing offers innovative production possibilities that already have many applications in the automotive, aerospace and medical industries. Starting from the digital design, products can be specified quickly, and being manufactured in a resource-saving manner. 3D bioprinting is one of the most important segments in this context. Human organs from the 3D printer? Vision or reality? What does the future of 3D printing look like? Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener introduced the topic and discussed the latest achievements of 3D printing in technology and life sciences with Prof. Dr. Tal Dvir. In his lecture "3D laser printing towards the nanometer scale", Martin Wegener presented how new laser processes enable an application of 3D printing on the micro and nanometer scale. Tal Dvir reported in his talk "Engineering personalized tissue implants — From 3D printing to bionic organs" about how he succeeded for the first time in producing a prototype heart with tissue, blood vessels and chambers using a 3D printer.
The symposium was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Alexander Wanner, Vice President of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The event was moderated by Andrea Grießmann, author and television presenter. Dr.-Ing. Judith Elsner, Managing Director of the Hector Fellow Academy, gave the closing speech.
The recording of the event is now available on YouTube at: Dvir I Wegener I Griessmann — 3D Printing — Customized and at the Push of a Button — YouTube
The Hector Fellow Academy claims to initiate forward-looking sociopolitical discourses and contribute to solving global challenges. The aim is to create a platform that provides an opportunity for exchange between science, politics, industry and the public. Additionally, the Hector Fellow Academy would like to provide insights into the work of its outstanding members with the symposia. Furthermore, the Hector Fellow Academy would like to increase the awareness of the HFA by offering insights into the work of outstanding researchers.
The next HFA symposium will take place on 6 July 2023 in Berlin on the topic of "Light in Biology — Photosynthesis, Visual Processes and Neuronal Applications". The scientific host will be Prof. Dr. Peter Hegemann, head of the research group for experimental biophysics and Hertie Senior Professor of Neuroscience at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


Andrea Grießmann
Author & TV presenter3D Printing
Customized and at the Push of a Button
Tal Dvir and Martin Wegener report on their research in a generally understandable way at the HFA Symposium 2022.
Scientific talks

Martin Wegener
Physics & EngineeringHector Fellow since 2008

Tal Dvir
BiotechnologyLaboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine