Hector Fellow since 2010
Prof. Dr. A. Stephen K. Hashmi

Prof. Dr. A. Stephen K. Hashmi

Insti­tute of Organic Chemistry, Univer­sity of Heidelberg

A. Stephen K. Hashmi is Profes­sor for Organic Chemistry at the Univer­sity of Heidel­berg. From 2013 to 2019, he was Vice Rector for Research and Transfer.

With his pioneer­ing work in the field of homoge­neous gold catal­y­sis, he has gained world­wide fame. His research focuses on the produc­tion of new gold catalysts and the devel­op­ment of innov­a­tive synthe­sis methods and detailed mecha­nis­tic studies. Poten­tial appli­ca­tions are in the produc­tion of active ingre­di­ents for pharma­ceu­ti­cals and compounds for materi­als science, e.g. in the field of organic electronics.

A. Stephen K. Hashmi has been awarded a Lecture­ship at the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Tan Kah Kee Chemistry Lecture­ship at Xiamen Univer­sity (China) and the Fred Patti­son Senior Lecture­ship at the Univer­sity of Western Ontario (Canada). He is a member of the ChemPub­Soc Europe, the German Chemi­cal Society, the Amercian Chemi­cal Society, honorary member of the Argen­tin­ian Society for Organic Chemistry and holds an honorary profes­sor­ship at King Abdulaziz Univer­sity (Saudi Arabia). Since 2016 A. Stephen K. Hashmi has also been editor of the Springer/Nature Journal "Gold Bulletin".

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Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

A. Stephen K. Hashmi is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.

Forschungsfeld Chemie

— Chemistry

Homoge­neous Gold Catalysis

Research field

Ligand devel­op­ment, method­ol­ogy devel­op­ment, and detailed mecha­nis­tic studies in homoge­neous transi­tion-metal catal­y­sis; mecha­nis­tic studies include isotope label­ing, in situ spectroscopy from IR to EXAFS, and compu­ta­tional chemistry. In addition, the devel­op­ment of highly active catalysts by efficient modular methods is a focus of current activities