Hector Fellow since 2012
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler

Prof. Günter M. Ziegler

Discrete Geome­try Group, Freie Univer­sität Berlin

Günter M. Ziegler has been Presi­dent of Freie Univer­sität Berlin since July 2018.

He is an inter­na­tion­ally highly respected mathe­mati­cian who has become known, among other things, for the construc­tion and analy­sis of complex geomet­ric struc­tures, as well as by the devel­op­ment and the success­ful use of deeper topolog­i­cal methods for problems stemming from differ­ent areas such as for division problems and in optimization.

Günter M. Ziegler was awarded, among others, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Founda­tion (DFG) and an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC). He is a member of the Execu­tive Board of the German Mathe­mat­i­cal Society, Chair­man of the Steer­ing Commit­tee of Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD) and a member of the Execu­tive Board of the Inter­na­tional Mathe­mat­i­cal Union (IMU). He is, inter alia, a member of the National Academy of Sciences (Leopold­ina), the German National Academy of Science and Engineer­ing (acatech) and a fellow of the Ameri­can Mathe­mat­i­cal Society.

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Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Günter M. Ziegler is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.


"Our Mathe­mat­i­cal Future"

The talk by Profes­sor Günter M. Ziegler

Sympo­sium of the Hector Fellow Academy on July 11, 2016 in cooper­a­tion with the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Video in German.

Forschungsfeld Mathematik

— Mathe­mat­ics

Discrete Mathe­mat­ics / Geome­try, Topol­ogy and Optimization

Research fields

Combi­na­torics, Topolog­i­cal Methods
Discrete Geome­try, Polytopes
Discrete Differ­en­tial Geome­try, Polyhe­dral Surfaces
Linear and Integer Optimization

My current work in Discrete Geome­try focuses on 4‑dimensional polytopes, construc­tions, enumer­a­tive proper­ties (such as f‑vectors, see [1]), their graphs, as well as inscrib­a­bil­ity questions, cf. [2]. Our topolog­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions deal with the existence of equivari­ant maps, in order to solve problems in Discrete Geome­try, such as the existence of hyper­plane mass parti­tions [3]. The Topolog­i­cal Tverberg Problem is another outstand­ing problem, where the recent counter-examples — see [4] — raise a lot of new questions.

[1] Philip Brinkmann & Günter M. Ziegler: A flag vector of a 3‑sphere that is not the flag vector of a 4‑polytope, Preprint, Novem­ber 2015, 12 pages, http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.08148

[2] Arnau Padrol & Günter M. Ziegler: Six topics on inscrib­able polytopes,
to appear in Alexan­der I. Bobenko, editor, Advances in Discrete Differ­en­tial Geome­try, Springer, Heidel­berg, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.03458

[3] Pavle V.~M. Blago­je­vic, Florian Frick, Albert Haase & Günter M. Ziegler: Topol­ogy of the Grünbaum—Hadwiger—Ramos hyper­plane mass parti­tion problem, Preprint, 27 pages, Febru­ary 2015, http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.02975

[4] Pavle V. M. Blago­je­vic, Florian Frick & Günter M. Ziegler: Counterex­am­ples to the Topolog­i­cal Tverberg Conjec­ture and other appli­ca­tions of the constraint method, Preprint, 6 pages, Oktober 2015, http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.07984