Hector Fellow since 2009
Prof. Dr. Manfred Kappes

Prof. Dr. Manfred Kappes

Insti­tute for Physi­cal Chemistry II, Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology

Profes­sor Kappes is profes­sor at the Insti­tute for Physi­cal Chemistry and Direc­tor of the Insti­tute of Nanotech­nol­ogy and Group Leader at the Insti­tute for Quantum Materi­als and Technolo­gies at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT).

His research field involves size-depen­dent proper­ties of matter in the range of 0.5 to 10 nanome­ters. Using self-devel­oped ion beam and mass spectrom­e­try methods he examines how optical, electronic, mechan­i­cal and chemi­cal proper­ties change with the atomic number and the charge number of parti­cles. He focuses, among other things, on produc­ing novel carbon materi­als with specific electri­cal and mechan­i­cal properties.

Manfred Kappes is a winner of the Van´t Hoff Prize of the German Bunsen-Society of Physi­cal Chemistry. He was honored with the Xingda Lecture­ship of the Univer­sity of Peking (China). He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold­ina), a member of the Heidel­berg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties and a member of the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties (BBAW).

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Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Manfred Kappes is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.

Forschungsfeld Chemie

— Chemistry

Forschungsfeld Physik

— Physics

Physi­cal Chemistry of Micro­scopic Systems

Research fields

Size-depen­dent proper­ties of the matter in the range of 0.5 to 10 nanometers