Hector Fellow since 2008
Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

Insti­tute of Applied Physics, Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology

Martin Wegener is Profes­sor at the Insti­tute of Applied Physics at the Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technol­ogy (KIT), Scien­tific Direc­tor of the Insti­tute of Nanotech­nol­ogy at the KIT and speaker of the Cluster of Excel­lence "3D Matter Made to Order" at KIT and the Univer­sity of Heidelberg.

His research focuses on the high-preci­sion 3D additive manufac­tur­ing of artifi­cial materi­als, so-called metama­te­ri­als. Tailor­ing their "meta atoms" on the nanome­ter or microm­e­ter scale makes it possi­ble to achieve completely new charac­ter­is­tics. For example, his team succeeded in realiz­ing camou­flage caps in a wide variety of physi­cal systems.

Martin Wegener received, among others, the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Founda­tion (DFG), the State Research Award of Baden-Wuert­tem­berg, the Carl Zeiss Research Award and the Descartes Prize of the European Union. Besides, he is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold­ina), the German National Academy of Science and Engineer­ing (acatech) and a fellow of the Optical Society of America. He is the initia­tor, co-founder and share­holder of Nanoscribe GmbH, a spin-off company that brings 3D laser litho­g­ra­phy to the market.

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Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Martin Wegener is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.


Cluster of Excel­lence 3DMM2O

3D Print­ing on the Microm­e­ter and Nanome­ter Scale

Prof. Wegener's research focus is on laser-based 3D print­ing, more specif­i­cally 3D print­ing at the microm­e­ter and nanome­ter scale. In addition, Prof. Wegener researches metama­te­ri­als and their fabri­ca­tion by 3D printing.

Forschungsfeld Physik

— Physics

Forschungsfeld Ingenieurwesen

— Engineer­ing

Nanotech­nol­ogy, Optics & Photonics

Research fields

Metama­te­ri­als in optics, mechan­ics, and thermodynamics
Three-dimen­sional optical laser litho­g­ra­phy (i.e., 3D micro- or nano-printing)

Details about current research.

Tailored distri­b­u­tions of artifi­cial materi­als called metama­te­ri­als allow for design­ing and fabri­cat­ing invis­i­bil­ity cloaks in optics and counter­parts thereof in other areas of physics. For example, cloak­ing can be used for making metal contact grids on solar cells invis­i­ble, thereby increas­ing the energy conver­sion efficiency by as much as 10% [1]. In the diffu­sive regime of light propa­ga­tion, invis­i­bil­ity cloak­ing is also possi­ble [2] and can, for example, be applied for homog­e­niz­ing the light emission from large-area organic light-emitting diodes (OLED). The latter were inspired by thermal cloaks [3].

In a project of the Hector Fellow Academy jointly conducted with Hector Fellow Peter Gumbsch, mechan­i­cal metama­te­ri­als are being inves­ti­gated. This has led to static mechan­i­cal cloaks [4,5] and to modified penta­mode metama­te­ri­als [6] that might enable cloaks for mechan­i­cal waves in the future. Further­more, tailored buckling nonlin­ear mechan­i­cal metama­te­ri­als can be designed that allow for large specific energy absorp­tion – while being reusable. Metama­te­ri­als with tailored thermal expan­sion are another area of current research.

As another example for optical metama­te­r­ial, three-dimen­sional gold-helix archi­tec­tures can be used as broad­band circu­lar polar­iz­ers [7]. Advanced versions thereof [8] take advan­tage of stimu­lated emission deple­tion (STED) laser litho­g­ra­phy beyond the Abbe diffrac­tion limit [9].

A more complete list of publi­ca­tions of the Wegener group can be found at http://www.aph.kit.edu/wegener/77.php


[1] Cloaked contact grids on solar cells by coordi­nate trans­for­ma­tions: Designs and proto­types, M. Schumann, S. Wiesen­dan­ger, J.-C. Goldschmidt, B. Bläsi, K. Bittkau, U.W. Paetzold, A. Sprafke, R. Wehrspohn, C. Rockstuhl, and M. Wegener, Optica 2, 850 (2015)[2] Invis­i­bil­ity Cloak­ing in a Diffu­sive Light Scatter­ing Medium, R. Schit­tny, M. Kadic, T. Bückmann, and M. Wegener, Science 345, 427 (2014)

[3] Exper­i­ments on trans­for­ma­tion thermo­dy­nam­ics: Molding the flow of heat, R. Schit­tny, M. Kadic, S. Guenneau, and M. Wegener, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 195901 (2013)

[4] An elasto-mechan­i­cal unfee­la­bil­ity cloak made of penta­mode metama­te­ri­als, T. Bückmann, M. Thiel, M. Kadic, R. Schit­tny, and M. Wegener, Nature Commun. 5, 4130 (2014)

[5] Cloak design by direct lattice trans­for­ma­tion, T. Bückmann, M. Kadic, R. Schit­tny, and M. Wegener, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, 4930 (2015)

[6] Penta­mode metama­te­ri­als with indepen­dently tailored bulk modulus and mass density, M. Kadic, T. Bückmann, R. Schit­tny, P. Gumbsch, and M. Wegener, Phys. Rev. Appl. 2, 054007 (2014)

[7] Gold helix photonic metama­te­r­ial as broad­band circu­lar polar­izer, J.K. Gansel, M. Thiel, M.S. Rill, M. Decker, K. Bade, V. Saile, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, and M. Wegener, Science 325, 1513 (2009)

[8] Gold triple-helix mid-infrared metama­te­r­ial by STED-inspired laser litho­g­ra­phy, J. Kaschke and M. Wegener, Opt. Lett. 40, 3986 (2015)

[9] Three-dimen­sional optical laser litho­g­ra­phy beyond the diffrac­tion limit, J. Fischer and M. Wegener, Laser Phot. Rev. 7, 22 (2013)