Hector RCD Awardee seit 2022
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Stöckl

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Stöckl

Junior Profes­sor for Neuroethol­ogy and Emmy Noether group leader at the Univer­sity of Konstanz

Anna Stöckl is Junior Profes­sor for Neuroethol­ogy and Emmy Noether group leader at the Univer­sity of Konstanz.

Anna Stöckl is an expert in sensory physi­ol­ogy. She researches how insects extract and process infor­ma­tion from their natural environ­ments to guide adaptive behav­iours – from inter­act­ing with brightly-patterned flowers to flying safely on a starlit night. To answer these questions, she employs neuronal record­ings, quanti­ta­tive neuroanatom­i­cal approaches, behav­ioural exper­i­ments, and environ­men­tal imaging. She works closely with roboti­cists to learn from the insects’ fasci­nat­ing abili­ties for autonomous robot development.

She has received Young Inves­ti­ga­tor Awards from the Inter­na­tional Societies for Neuroethol­ogy and Exper­i­men­tal Biology and the KlarText! Science Commu­ni­ca­tion Award from the Klaus Tschira Founda­tion. She is a fellow of the Konstanz Zukun­ft­skol­leg and a member of the Young Academy of the Bavar­ian Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

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Promo­tion Currently not vacant

Anna Stöckl is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.

Forschungsfeld Psychologie

— Psychol­ogy

Forschungsfeld Biologie

— Biology

Neuro­science, Biology

Research Fields

Visual Ecology
Insect Polli­na­tors
Night Vision
Movement Control