Hector RCD Awardee since 2024
Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller

Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller

Friedrich-Alexan­der-Univer­sität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Carolin Müller has been an Assis­tant Profes­sor for the Theory of Electron­i­cally Excited States at the Computer Chemistry Center of Friedrich-Alexan­der Univer­sity Erlan­gen-Nürnberg since Novem­ber 2023.

As a theoret­i­cal chemist, she explores the fasci­nat­ing world of light-induced processes. Her research focuses on unrav­el­ing the molec­u­lar mecha­nisms behind these phenom­ena. She follows a digital chemistry approach, combin­ing quantum chemistry methods with data science. Her goal is to optimize light-driven processes to enhance reactiv­ity and efficiency.

Carolin Müller has received several presti­gious awards, includ­ing the Thuringian Research Award and the Albert Weller Award. She has also been awarded research fellow­ships such as the Feodor-Lynen and Kekulé Fellowship.

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Doctor­ate Vacant from 2025

Carolin Müller will be avail­able to super­vise doctoral projects start­ing in 2025.

Forschungsfeld Chemie

— Chemistry

Forschungsfeld Informatik

— Infor­mat­ics

Chemistry, Infor­mat­ics

Research Fields

Quantum Chemistry
Digital Chemistry