Hector RCD Awardee since 2023
Dr. Sebas­t­ian Frank

Dr. Sebas­t­ian Frank

Emmy Noether research group leader at the Insti­tute for Psychol­ogy within the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Univer­sity of Regensburg

Dr. Sebas­t­ian Frank is an Emmy Noether research group leader at the Insti­tute for Psychol­ogy within the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Univer­sity of Regens­burg. He was previ­ously a postdoc­toral researcher at Brown Univer­sity (USA), after complet­ing his PhD in Cogni­tive Neuro­science at Dartmouth College (USA).

His group is inter­ested in the biolog­i­cal mecha­nisms under­ly­ing learn­ing and neuro­plas­tic­ity in humans, with a focus on changes in these mecha­nisms across the lifes­pan. To this aim, they inves­ti­gate learn­ing and neuro­plas­tic­ity in children, young and older adults, as well as older adults with demen­tia. They also develop train­ing tools optimized for learn­ing mecha­nisms in differ­ent age groups.

Dr. Frank’s research is supported by the Deutsche Forschungs­ge­mein­schaft and the Julitta und Richard Müller Stiftung. At “Brain Days” in elemen­tary schools, he and his group share their enthu­si­asm for brain research with children.

Universität Regensburg
Doctor­ate Vacant from 2024

Dr. Sebas­t­ian Frank will be avail­able to super­vise doctoral projects start­ing in 2024.

Project Descrip­tion

Forschungsfeld Psychologie

— Psychol­ogy

Psychol­ogy, Neuroscience

Research Fields
