Hector RCD Awardee since 2020
Prof. Dr. Tessa Quax

Prof. Dr. Tessa Quax

Faculty of Science and Engineer­ing, Univer­sity of Groningen

Tessa Quax is Associate Profes­sor at the Rijksuni­ver­siteit Groningen.

Her research focusses on the inter­ac­tion between viruses and archaea. Archaea are ubiqui­tous microor­gan­isms that can be found in many environ­ments, includ­ing those with extreme temper­a­tures or salin­i­ties. Specif­i­cally, she is inter­ested in the molec­u­lar mecha­nisms that viruses use to enter and egress from archaeal cells isolated from salt lakes. She aims to gain insight into viral diver­sity, viral impact on evolu­tion and the arms race between viruses and cells.

Tessa Quax was previ­ously awarded the EMBO Postdoc­toral Fellow­ship and the Marie-Curie Individ­ual Fellow­ship. She has also received an ERC Start­ing Grant for her project "Archaeal Virol­ogy: unrav­el­ing the mecha­nisms of inter­vi­ral warfare (ARCVIR)". Her PhD thesis was awarded with the Louis Forest prize from the Chancel­lerie des Univer­sités de Paris, and the Westen­brink prize of the NVBMB. She is Chair of the Scien­tific Advisory Board of the Inter­na­tional Society for Viruses of Microbes and Spokesper­son of the Special Group “Viruses of Microbes” from the German Micro­bi­ol­ogy Society (VAAM).

University of Groningen
Forschungsfeld Biologie

— Biology

Research fields

Molec­u­lar Microbiology/ Micro­bial Virology

Molec­u­lar Microbiology
Archaeal viruses
Archaeal cell surface
Virus-host Inter­ac­tion
Infec­tion mechanisms