Promot­ing young talent
Doctor­ate at the HFA
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Doctoral Students

Promot­ing young scientists

The aim of the Hector Fellow Academy is to promote young researchers in the Hector Fellows' environ­ment. The HFA doctoral students are given the oppor­tu­nity to benefit from the wealth of experi­ence and outstand­ing exper­tise of their super­vi­sor while build­ing up a research network.

Every year, several doctoral positions are funded by the HFA. Master gradu­ates from all over the world can apply with a very good degree. Ambitious young scien­tists have the oppor­tu­nity to do their doctor­ate with a self-devel­oped research project in the working group of a Hector Fellow.

For this, an innov­a­tive, self-devel­oped research topic has to be submit­ted, which the young scien­tist works on within the frame­work of an up to four-year doctoral phase at the insti­tute of the super­vis­ing Hector Fellow. It must be included in the appli­ca­tion which Hector Fellow quali­fies as a super­vi­sor for your research idea.

Moreover, outstand­ing Master's gradu­ates can also apply for adver­tised doctoral positions of a Hector Fellow. By becom­ing a member of the Hector Fellow Academy, the young scien­tists become part of an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network of top researchers.



Doing your PhD in STEM, Psychol­ogy or Medicine

with Excel­lent Researchers

Do you want to do a doctor­ate in one of the STEM fields, psychol­ogy or medicine?

Are you looking for an inter­est­ing project or do have your own research idea?

Then apply to the Hector Fellow Academy!


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