Brigitte Röder receives the Wilhelm Wundt Medal of the German Society for Psychology
The Wilhelm-Wundt-Medal is awarded to active research personalities whose significant work in empirical-psychological basic research has received the highest professional recognition. The medal is awarded every two years.
For her research in the field of neuronal plasticity, Hector Fellow Brigitte Röder will receive the Wilhelm-Wundt-Medal 2020. In the press release of the German Psychological Association on the occasion of the award ceremony, Brigitte Röder is described as an "outstanding and internationally highly respected researcher", who is one of the few who pursues with "consistency and attention topics of neuronal plasticity and neuronal foundations of cognitive development".
The award ceremony took place in a virtual session on September 16, 2020. By receiving the award, Hector Fellow Röder becomes an honorary member of the German Psychological Society.
Congratulations to Brigitte Röder!