© Nicolas Roberts
5. July 2023
Access Data for the Livestream of the Sympo­sium Light in Biology

Follow online the fasci­nat­ing lectures on the impor­tance of light in nature and science

The Hector Fellow Academy contin­ues its series of symposia, this year focus­ing on the impor­tance of light in nature and science. The event, titled "Light in Biology" — Photo­syn­the­sis, Visual Processes and Neuronal Appli­ca­tions," will take place on July 6, 2023, at 6 p.m. in Berlin at the Langen­beck-Virchow-Haus and via livestream.

Access data for the livestream are as follows:

Link: Sympo­sium 2023 Livestream — Hector Fellow Academy (hector-fellow-academy.de)

Password: HectorFellowAcademy

At the 8th Sympo­sium of the Hector Fellow Academy, renowned scien­tists will provide excit­ing insights into their research in photo­syn­the­sis, evolu­tion­ary and biodi­ver­sity research as well as neuroscience.

Guests who would like to follow the program in presence are asked to regis­ter via the follow­ing link: https://bit.ly/SymposiumHFA.

Some remain­ing places are still available.