© Grietje Krabbe/ Kai Kretzschmar
28. June 2023
The HFA supports the confer­ence Innova­tions in Single-Cell Omics

The confer­ence in Berlin, co-organized by Hector RCD Awardee Leif Ludwig, was a great success

The Innova­tions in Single-Cell Omics confer­ence held in Berlin on May 15–16 was a major success, bring­ing together experts, researchers, and indus­try profes­sion­als from around the world. Hosted by Ashley Sanders, Simon Haas, Stefanie Gross­wendt, and Hector RCD Awardee Leif Ludwig the confer­ence aimed to advance the field of single-cell genomics through knowl­edge exchange and collaboration.

With 150 partic­i­pants from eight countries, the confer­ence showcased the global inter­est in single-cell omics. Atten­dees explored topics such as techno­log­i­cal advance­ments in single-cell RNA sequenc­ing, data analy­sis method­olo­gies, and the appli­ca­tions of single-cell omics in various biomed­ical research areas.

The Hector Fellow Academy's support was instru­men­tal in recog­niz­ing outstand­ing poster presen­ta­tions and selected speak­ers among the trainees, further foster­ing excel­lence and innova­tion in the community.

Overall, the Innova­tions in Single-Cell Omics confer­ence was a success­ful gather­ing of experts, enabling knowl­edge sharing, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary collab­o­ra­tion, and setting the stage for future advance­ments in the field.