26. June 2023
New publi­ca­tion by Wadood Haq

Excit­ing Advance­ments in Vision Restoration

In a new paper published in IOP Publish­ing, first author and Hector Fellow Academy Young Researcher Dr. Wadood Haq shows how a novel nature-inspired saccadic-like electri­cal stimu­la­tion paradigm promotes sustained retinal ganglion cell responses by spatiotem­po­rally alter­nat­ing activa­tion of contigu­ous multi-electrode patterns.

The paper unveils a ground­break­ing approach to enhance retinal electri­cal stimu­la­tion using nature-inspired biomimetic patterns, giving blind patients hope for improved visual percep­tion. It tackles the challenge of limited artifi­cial visual sensa­tions caused by rapid neuron response decay.

By replac­ing macro­elec­trodes with micro­elec­trodes and activat­ing them in a topolog­i­cally alter­nat­ing manner, remark­able results are achieved. Multi-electrode arrays with hexag­o­nally arranged electrodes were used to simulate and record mouse retinal ganglion cells. The study showcases the superi­or­ity of biomimetic stimu­la­tion over conven­tional methods, increas­ing retinal ganglion cells activ­ity by an impres­sive 87.78%.

These findings are not just about pixels, they're about restor­ing the essence of sight. The appli­ca­tion of electri­cal stimu­la­tion in biomimetic mode leads to enhanced retinal ganglion cell responses with minimal fading effects. This research paves the way for a future where artifi­cial vision seamlessly mimics the natural experience.