© Dennis Reimann
13. July 2023
Success­ful Sympo­sium Light in Biology

Record­ing of the event is now avail­able on YouTube

On July 6, 2023, the sympo­sium of the Hector Fellow Academy 2023 entitled "Light in Biology — Photo­syn­the­sis, Visual Processes and Neuronal Appli­ca­tions" took place at the Langen­beck-Virchow-Haus Berlin and via livestream. Numer­ous inter­ested guests on site and via livestream had the oppor­tu­nity to immerse themselves in the fasci­nat­ing world of light and to learn about its multi­ple signif­i­cance in biology and science. The record­ing of the event is now avail­able on the YouTube channel of the Hector Fellow Academy in German and English.

The funda­men­tal impor­tance of light and its multi­fac­eted role in various life processes became clear during the outstand­ing lectures of the renowned speak­ers Athina Zouni, Lauren Sumner-Ronney and Hannah Monyer, on photo­syn­the­sis, evolu­tion and biodi­ver­sity research, and its appli­ca­tion in neuro­science. The moder­a­tor of the evening was Dr. Philip Häusser, known as a TV presen­ter for programs such as Terra X Lesch & Co and author.

Besides the main evening event open for the public there were also two days of stimu­lat­ing inter­nal meetings for the members of the Hector Fellow Academy that provided space for talks about the state of current projects and for the discus­sion and devel­op­ment of novel research ideas.

The next sympo­sium will be held in Hamburg on July 11, 2024, and will explore the question "Why do children learn differ­ently from adults?" The scien­tific organizer is Brigitte Röder, Profes­sor of Biolog­i­cal Psychol­ogy and Neuropsy­chol­ogy at the Univer­sity of Hamburg.