© Hector Fellow Academy
11. April 2022
Eva Grebel receives Caroline Herschel Medal

The prize honors Eva Grebel for her research in astrophysics

Hector Fellow Eva Grebel is the first scien­tist to receive the award. She is being honored for her outstand­ing achieve­ments in under­stand­ing the evolu­tion of galax­ies. Grebel is a pioneer in the field of "near-field cosmol­ogy," which uses the evolu­tion­ary history of nearby galax­ies as a tool for under­stand­ing the universe as a whole. The medal will be awarded at the annual meeting of the German Astro­nom­i­cal Society in Bremen in September.

The medal honors Caroline Herschel's work in the field of astron­omy, which she enriched with discov­er­ies of comets and the creation of the first zonal catalog. In addition, the award supports scien­tific cooper­a­tion between Germany and Great Britain.

The Caroline Herschel Medal was estab­lished in 2021 by the British govern­ment in honor of the then German Chancel­lor Angela Merkel and is awarded by the Royal Astro­nom­i­cal Society and the Astro­nom­i­cal Society. The prize is awarded each year to an outstand­ing female astronomer, alter­nat­ing between the UK and Germany.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Eva Grebel!