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29. March 2022
Appli­ca­tion Period Extended until April 20th

The appli­ca­tion period for Hector Fellow Academy doctoral positions has been extended until April 20th

In the current appli­ca­tion phase, a doctoral positions is adver­tised in the group of Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Katrin Amunts (Medicine, Heinrich-Heine-Univer­sity Düssel­dorf) on the topic "Human Brain Mapping".

In addition, there is the possi­bil­ity of apply­ing with a self-defined research idea in the groups of the follow­ing Hector Fellows:

You can find more infor­ma­tion about doctoral studies at the Hector Fellow Academy on our website. Click here to get to the appli­ca­tion portal.

We are looking forward to many inter­ested candidates!