© Hector Fellow Academy
19. September 2022
High Award for Peter Hegemann

Peter Hegemann receives the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize 2022 of the Colum­bia University

Neuro­sci­en­tist and Hector Fellow Peter Hegemann, together with Karl Deisseroth and Gero Miesen­böck, will receive Colum­bia University's Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize 2022. The three scien­tists are being honored for research that laid the founda­tion for the field of optoge­net­ics. The prize will be presented in New York City on Febru­ary 16, 2023.

Peter Hegemann, PhD, is Hertie Profes­sor of Neuro­science at the Insti­tute of Biology and Exper­i­men­tal Biophysics at Humboldt Univer­sity. Hegemann gradu­ated in chemistry from the Univer­sity of Münster and LMU Munich and received his PhD from the Max Planck Insti­tute for Biochem­istry, Martin­sried. He has received several awards for his pioneer­ing work in the field of optoge­net­ics, includ­ing the Lasker Awards in 2021, which is consid­ered the most presti­gious prize for biomed­ical research in the United States. Peter Hegemann is member of the Hector Fellow Academy since 2015.

Optoge­net­ics has revolu­tion­ized the study of the nervous system, helping to under­stand how the brain's circuits control behav­iors such as learn­ing, sleep, vision, addic­tion and movement, and has increased the poten­tial for treat­ing diseases such as epilepsy, spinal cord injury, multi­ple sclero­sis and Parkinson's disease.

Congrat­u­la­tions Peter Hegemann!