© Hector Fellow Academy
23. June 2022
Jonas Wunsch at Nobel Laure­ate Meeting

Jonas Wunsch invited to Nobel Laure­ate Chemistry Meeting 2022 in Lindau

The oppor­tu­nity to inter­act with some of the most outstand­ing scien­tists of our time is avail­able to young scien­tist Jonas Wunsch, whose doctoral research with A. Stephen K. Hashmi is supported by the Hector Fellow Academy. He will partic­i­pate in the 71st Nobel Laure­ate Chemistry Meeting, which will be held in Lindau from June 26 to July 1, 2022.

Wunsch made it through the multi-stage appli­ca­tion and selec­tion process based on his outstand­ing acade­mic achieve­ments. The event, which will feature more than 30 laure­ates — includ­ing Heidel­berg physi­cist Prof. Dr. Stefan Hell, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry — offers a multi-day program of lectures and panel discus­sions, as well as the oppor­tu­nity for personal encounters.

The Lindau Nobel Laure­ate Meetings were estab­lished in 1951, and since 1953 young scien­tists have also been invited to the annual meetings. The aim is to promote exchange between differ­ent gener­a­tions, scien­tific disci­plines as well as cultures and to empha­size the impor­tance of the scien­tific society. The meetings are devoted in turn to the three Nobel Prize-winning disci­plines of physics, chemistry and physiology/ medicine. They are flanked every five years by an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary confer­ence and every three years by the Lindau Confer­ence of Economic Sciences.