The Hector Fellow Academy supports the career development of outstanding scientists in the post-doc phase
For the third time, the Hector Fellow Academy has presented the Hector Research Career Development (RCD) Award. On January 28, 2023, the jury of experts selected three young scientists whose research careers the Hector Fellow Academy now supports: biologist Sofia-Iris Biblis, neuroscientist Anna Stöckl, and physicist Philip Willke.
"I am extremely grateful to receive this award, which recognizes not only my own achievements but the support of my mentors and friends, and the hard work of my students and collaborators," says award winner Anna Stöckl. She is an assistant professor of neuroethology and Emmy Noether group leader at the University of Konstanz. As an expert in sensory physiology, her main research interest lies in understanding how insects take in information from their environment, process it and use it to control their behavior.
The award winner Sofia-Iris Bibli is a junior professor of cardiovascular monitoring in the Department of Medicine at Goethe University Frankfurt. Together with her team, she focuses on research into metabolic monitoring mechanisms that control vascular regeneration. In doing so, she uses multimicrobial approaches to investigate how nutrients can influence and control the fitness of endothelial cells.
Philip Willke's research is conducted at the smallest level. He focuses on the resolution and control of quantum systems on the microscopic scale. He is enthusiastic about receiving the Hector RCD Award. "The award will allow my group to explore artificially built assemblies of atomic-scale magnets." Since 2022, Philip Willke has been a W1-TenureTrack Professor at the Institute of Physics of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Here he also leads an Emmy Noether research group on "Quantum Coherent Control of Atomic and Molecular Spins on Surfaces" since 2020.
The Hector RCD Award is aimed at particularly talented young researchers from the natural and engineering sciences, medicine or psychology who have already sharpened their scientific profile and taken their first career step. With the awarding of the new awardees, eleven Hector RCD Awardees are currently members of the Hector Fellow Academy.