© Hector Fellow Academy
17. November 2021
Peter Hegemann in the HU-Berlin Podcast

In the Humboldt Univer­sity podcast, Peter Hegemann reports on optoge­net­ics and world-class research

In the new episode entitled “Mit diesem Weiter so wie bisher wird es nichts Neues geben” from the HU podcast "Humboldt Listen­ing" 2021 Lasker Award winner and co-inven­tor of optoge­net­ics Peter Hegemann talks about his research, the work at his insti­tute, and the courage to take risks.

Hegemann's insti­tute, he says, is not only a place for research, but also a place for educa­tion. Young researchers should be better educated about the working condi­tions at German univer­si­ties. Hegemann believes: "Research is a tough business. You have to be compet­i­tive, other­wise you won't really have a chance." Profes­sor Hegemann advises univer­si­ties to be more flexi­ble in their ability to hire research assistants.

In this episode, Hegemann also talks about how new technolo­gies from optoge­net­ics can revolu­tion­ize medicine and help cure epilepsy or Parkinson's disease, for example.