© Hector Fellow Academy
11. August 2020
Video portrait series on Antje Boetius

Three short films present the research and engage­ment of Hector Fellow Antje Boetius

Antje Boetius is one of the most renowned marine biolo­gists in Germany and the direc­tor of the Alfred Wegener Insti­tute (AWI). In her research career, she already partic­i­pated in 49 expedi­tions to the cold regions of the earth and  studied the ecology of the deep sea. The first of the three short films Deep Sea and Polar Research: Antje Boetius Fight­ing Climate Change focuses on the career of the researcher Boetius and describes her role as head of the most impor­tant research insti­tu­tions for polar, coastal, and marine research in Germany.

The second short film Climate and Future: Antje Boetius on Societal Respon­si­bil­ity of Science takes a closer look at Antje Boetius’ concep­tion of the social respon­si­bil­ity of science. Hector Fellow Boetius believes that science has a duty to talk about risks and to shed light on the future by provid­ing prognoses. One of the most impor­tant areas of social respon­si­bil­ity of science today is climate change, which is why Antje Boetius is commit­ted to climate protection.

The challenge of commu­ni­cat­ing science is the main theme of the third and last film in the video portrait series Science Commu­ni­ca­tion: Antje Boetius on the Trans­fer of Research to Public. In order to make abstract data sets visually percep­ti­ble, Hector Fellow Boetius teams up with artists in various formats to combine art and science. As an impor­tant voice for science in the public discourse, she was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Repub­lic of Germany in 2019.

The three short films are now avail­able on the Hector Fellow Academy website and the YouTube channel of the Hector Fellow Academy.