Hector Fellow since 2013
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph Klein

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph Klein

Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospi­tal of Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sity Munich

Christoph Klein is Profes­sor of Pediatrics and Adoles­cent Medicine as well as the Direc­tor of the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospi­tal of Ludwig-Maxim­i­lans-Univer­sity Munich.

He belongs to the pioneers in the field of cell and gene therapy in children with rare inher­ited disor­ders of the blood and immune system. Together with his research team he identi­fies molec­u­lar causes of genetic diseases, studies their patho­me­ch­anisms and devel­ops new thera­peu­tic strate­gies with the aim of, in long-term, improv­ing the chances of recov­ery of affected children.

He was, among others, awarded an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC), the William Dameshek Prize of the Ameri­can Society of Hematol­ogy as well as the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Founda­tion (DFG). He founded the "Care for Rare" Founda­tion to support children with rare diseases.

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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Logo
Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Christoph Klein is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.

Forschungsfeld Biologie

— Biology

Forschungsfeld Medizin

— Medicine

Pediatric Hematol­ogy / Immunol­ogy / Oncology

Research fields

The labora­tory of Christoph Klein focuses on the genetic and immuno­log­i­cal analy­sis of rare diseases, in partic­u­lar primary immun­od­e­fi­ciency disor­ders affect­ing the innate immune system such as congen­i­tal neutrope­nia or inflam­ma­tory bowel diseases.

By the virtue of a large inter­na­tional and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network, the labora­tory of Christoph Klein has identi­fied novel genetic defects of the immune system and devel­oped gene- and cell-based tailored therapies .