Hector Fellow since 2009
Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert

Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert

Profes­sor for Clini­cal and Neuropsy­chol­ogy, Univer­sity of Konstanz

Thomas Elbert is Profes­sor Emeri­tus for Clini­cal Psychol­ogy and Neuropsy­chol­ogy at the Univer­sity of Konstanz.

He inves­ti­gates the conse­quences of traumatic stress and the psycho­log­i­cal genesis of the readi­ness to use violence and kill. In the labora­tory and in conflict areas he explores adapta­tion and maladap­ta­tion of mind, brain and body in reaction to trauma and devel­ops specific thera­peu­tic treatments.

His research is currently supported by the European Research Council (ERC), the DRCongo govern­ment and the World Bank. He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopold­ina), the Berlin-Branden­burg Academy of Sciences and Human­i­ties (BBAW) and holds honorary profes­sor­ships at the Mbarara Univer­sity of Science and Technol­ogy (Uganda) and the Univer­sité Lumiere (Burundi).

His awards include the German Psychol­ogy Prize and, together with Maggie Schauer, he was awarded the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Prize for 2016. As a found­ing member of the non-profit organi­za­tion vivo inter­na­tional he works to overcome and prevent traumatic stress and its conse­quences in war zones and of refugees.

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Doctor­ate Currently not vacant

Thomas Elbert is currently unavail­able to super­vise doctoral projects.


Stress & Epigenetics

How fishes contribute to the treat­ment of post-traumatic stress disorder

Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert (Univer­sity of Konstanz) is a renowned profes­sor of clini­cal psychol­ogy and behav­ioral neuro­science. He researches the conse­quences of traumatic stress and the devel­op­ment of human propen­sity to violence and killing. An inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research project by Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer & Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert.

Forschungsfeld Psychologie

— Psychol­ogy

Clini­cal Psychol­ogy / Behav­ioral Neuroscience

Research fields

Inves­ti­ga­tion of the impair­ments through traumatic experi­ences of stress and the improve­ments in the possi­bil­i­ties to cure mental and physi­cal ailments caused by this with a main focus on help in the field of refugees.
Study­ing the reasons for human dispo­si­tion to violence and killing, as well as research­ing the possi­bil­i­ties to detract members of armed groups from the vicious circle of violence.

For that matter we consider changes in the epigenome, in the organi­za­tion of the brain and in the behav­ior as well as in the field of cogni­tive and emotional structures.

These studies are realized in labora­tory exper­i­ments as well as in conflict and crisis regions.