Creat­ing the Future
Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects
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Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects

The central concern of the Academy of Sciences is the promo­tion of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary exchange between its members, who work together across the bound­aries of individ­ual research insti­tu­tions and across differ­ent disci­plines. For this reason, person­nel and research funds are made avail­able for innov­a­tive scien­tific projects carried out jointly by several Hector Fellows.

Each Hector Fellow can apply with at least one additional Hector Fellow for an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary project. If approved, postdocs and/or doctoral positions will be adver­tised at the respec­tive insti­tutes or filled with scien­tists from their network.

Förderung interdisziplinärer Projekte

Current projects

Currently we support the follow­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary doctoral projects

Visual percep­tual learn­ing after a transient phase of congen­i­tal blind­ness: Neural mecha­nisms of sight recovery

Hector Fellow Brigitte Röder 
Hector RCD Awardee Sebas­t­ian Frank 
Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner

This project aims to eluci­date the neural mecha­nisms under­ly­ing vision recov­ery through visual percep­tual learn­ing in patients treated for congen­i­tal blind­ness. Led by Dr. Sebas­t­ian Frank, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder and Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Eberhart Zrenner, in collab­o­ra­tion with the LV Prasad Eye Insti­tute, the study uses MRS and EEG to assess changes in excita­tion and inhibi­tion. The goal is to bridge neuro­science, psychol­ogy, and ophthal­mol­ogy to improve rehabil­i­ta­tion strate­gies, deepen a compre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of visual plastic­ity, and advance treat­ments for visual impairments.


Crane Design

© Crane Design — Adobe Stock

Living in night and day: genomics of light adapta­tions in moths as cater­pil­lars and adults

Hector RCD Awardee Anna Stöckl 
Hector Fellow Axel Meyer

This project, led by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Stöckl and Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer (Univer­sity of Konstanz), inves­ti­gates how moths adapt to artifi­cial light at night. By combin­ing genomics, neuroanatomy and behav­ioral studies, the team aims to eluci­date the mecha­nisms of sensory plastic­ity during metamor­pho­sis. Using transcrip­tomics, epige­net­ics, and behav­ioral analy­sis, the research will inves­ti­gate how cater­pil­lar light exposure affects adult moths. The results will provide criti­cal insights into animal adapta­tion to human-induced environ­men­tal change and shape future ecolog­i­cal and evolu­tion­ary studies.


© Martin — Adobe Stock

Unrav­el­ing univer­sal mecha­nisms of viral replication

Hector Fellow Ralf Bartenschlager 
Hector RCD Awardee Tessa Quax

This project, led by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ralf Barten­schlager (Univer­sity of Heidel­berg) and Prof. Dr. Tessa Quax (Univer­sity of Gronin­gen), inves­ti­gates whether archaic viruses form special­ized repli­ca­tion compart­ments, a strat­egy that has already been demon­strated in bacte­r­ial and eukary­otic viruses. By combin­ing struc­tural biology, cell biology, medicine, and chemistry, the goal is to identify univer­sal mecha­nisms of viral repli­ca­tion. Using advanced imaging, genetic label­ing, and lipid analy­sis, the viral repli­ca­tion process in archaea will be studied and compared to other life forms. The results will provide new insights into the evolu­tion of viruses and identify poten­tial approaches for antivi­ral thera­pies. In addition, young scien­tists will be trained in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary virol­ogy to promote virus research in differ­ent biolog­i­cal areas.


© catalin — Adobe Stock

Electrophilic Reactiv­ity Provid­ing Well-Defined Helically Chiral Gold(III) Catalysts for the Asymmet­ric Synthe­sis of Bioac­tive Compounds

Hector RCD Awardee Agnieszka Nowak-Król 
Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi

The aim of the project led by Hector RCD Awardee Agnieszka Nowak-Król (Univer­sity of Würzburg) and Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi (Heidel­berg Univer­sity) is to develop well-defined helically chiral gold(III) complexes, the first examples of helically chiral gold complexes with gold atoms on either an outer or an inner helicene rim. The catalytic poten­tial of these unprece­dented complexes and their practi­cal utility will be demon­strated in the enantios­e­lec­tive synthe­sis of small organic compounds and biolog­i­cally or pharma­ceu­ti­cally relevant targets, i.e. natural products and pharma­ceu­ti­cally active compounds.


© kitipol — Adobe Stock

RetinaSen­sor: Enhanced Vision Restora­tion in Blind People

Dr. Wadood Haq (Alumni) – Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner 
Shadi Nashashibi – Hector Fellow Jürg Leuthold 
Marina Homs — Hector Fellow Jürg Leuthold

In this project the Hector Fellows Jürg Leuthold and Eberhart Zrenner are working together with the HFA Postdoc Dr. Wadood Haq (Eberhard Karls Univer­sity, Tübin­gen) and doctoral students Shadi Nashashibi (ETH Zurich) and Marina Homs (ETH Zurich) towards the next gener­a­tion of retinal implants. By combin­ing highly sensi­tive photode­tec­tors with a micro­elec­trode array operat­ing under a new stimu­la­tion paradigm, the RetinaSen­sor will enable previ­ously unachieved spatial and tempo­ral resolu­tion in electric retinal implant technologies.


© Aliak­san­dra — Adobe Stock

Alumni projects

Find here an overview of the already completed projects.