RetinaSen­sor: Enhanced Vision Restora­tion in Blind People

Dr. Wadood Haq – Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner 
Shadi Nashashibi – Hector Fellow Jürg Leuthold 
Marina Homs — Hector Fellow Jürg Leuthold

In this project the Hector Fellows Jürg Leuthold and Eberhart Zrenner are working together with the HFA Postdoc Dr. Wadood Haq (Eberhard Karls Univer­sity, Tübin­gen) and doctoral students Shadi Nashashibi (ETH Zurich) and Marina Homs (ETH Zurich) towards the next gener­a­tion of retinal implants. By combin­ing highly sensi­tive photode­tec­tors with a micro­elec­trode array operat­ing under a new stimu­la­tion paradigm, the RetinaSen­sor will enable previ­ously unachieved spatial and tempo­ral resolu­tion in electric retinal implant technologies.
