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15. April 2021
Paper by Daniel Eppel published

A paper by Daniel Eppel was published in the journal “Angewandte Chemie”

In the article “Mechanochem­i­cal Gold(III)-Carbon Bond Forma­tion” a more sustain­able, easy to handle process and direct aryla­tion of [(C^N^C)AuCl] complexes is presented.

Based on the “12 princi­ples of green chemistry”, mechanochem­i­cal processes are being devel­oped more and more. They allow an almost solvent-free synthe­sis of high value products. By grind­ing solids in a ball mill, chemi­cal reactions take place which can, in an easy manner, lead to the desired products – simply driven by mechan­i­cal energy.

The proto­col presented by Daniel Eppel and other scien­tists provides an easy access to a highly valued complex class. In contrast to exist­ing proto­cols, no prefunc­tion­al­iza­tion of the start­ing materi­als is neces­sary and the use of expen­sive transi­tion metal catalysts can be avoided, which makes this appli­ca­tion appeal­ing also for indus­trial purposes.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Daniel Eppel!