Creat­ing the Future

Repre­sen­ta­tion Learn­ing and Causal­ity: Theory, Practice, and Impli­ca­tions for Mecha­nis­tic Interpretability

Florent Draye - Hector Fellow Bernhard Schölkopf

This research projec aims to contribute to the development of methods that extract informative and interpretable features from high-dimensional datasets, with a focus on uncovering high-level causally related factors that describe meaningful semantics of the data. This, in turn, can help us gain deeper insights into the representations found within advanced generative models, particularly foundation models and LLMs, with the goal of improving their efficiency and safety.

Representation Learning and Causality: Theory, Practice, and Implications for Mechanistic Interpretability© Florent Draye

Inducible CRISPR gene editing systems for patho­genic USH2A variants

Salome Spaag - Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner

Amongst the leading causes of retinal dystrophies worldwide is Retinitis pigmentosa, a severe disease often caused by splice variants in the USH2A gene. This project aims to develop a safe CRISPR-based therapeutic strategy for correction of such splicing defects. Using enhanced-deletion nucleases, the disease-causing alterations can be eliminated, hereby restoring correct protein synthesis. The focus lies on safety features as well as the development of an inducible viral delivery system for clinical application.

Inducible CRISPR gene editing systems for pathogenic USH2A variants© Salome Spaag

Inves­ti­ga­tion of the influ­ence of steri­cally challeng­ing NHC gold(I) complexes in di-cyclizations

Matthias Scherr - Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi

The research project investigates the influence of sterically demanding NHC-gold(I) complexes on the cyclization of diyne derivatives. The focus is on the synthesis of various sterically demanding NHC-gold(I) complexes and their application in diyne cyclizations, particularly examining the reactivity and selectivity in gold-catalyzed reactions. Further investigations include theoretical calculations and practical applications of the synthesized cyclization products for pharmaceuticals or organic materials.

Investigation of the influence of sterically challenging NHC gold(I) complexes in di-cyclizations© Matthias Scherr

Advanc­ing rare disease classi­fi­ca­tion: explor­ing repre­sen­ta­tion learn­ing in low-data and heavy tail settings

Laure Ciernik – Hector Fellow Klaus-Robert Müller

This project seeks to advance rare disease classification using deep neural networks by addressing key challenges such as limited data and high heterogeneity. We will assess existing models and their representations, investigating how technical variations in medical data affect their characteristics.

© Laure Ciernik

Photonic Neuro­mor­phic Circuits for Artifi­cial Neural Networks

Martin Stecher - Hector Fellow Jürg Leuthold

We aim to develop artificial neural networks with brain-inspired circuits. Like in the brain, artificial neurons and synapses are built with novel memristors, arranged in a crossbar array. By combining these with ultra-fast photonics, we seek to improve signal processing and matrix-vector multiplications to address limitations from state-of-the-art architectures. This approach aims to advance computing solutions by reducing energy consumption, computational time, and system complexity.

© Martin Stecher

Unveil­ing Circa­dian Function of Photore­cep­tors in Plants

Darius Rauch - Hector Fellow Peter Hegemann

My doctoral project focuses on identifying light-sensitive proteins called photoreceptors in the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. I aim to answer how these receptors regulate the inner biological clock known as the circadian rhythm. My major focus is to determine the properties of an unknown red light-sensitive photoreceptor and how this receptor regulates the clock. These insights can be used to understand how plants, in general, process light information.

@ Darius Rauch