Creat­ing the Future

Unveil­ing Circa­dian Function of Photore­cep­tors in Plants

Darius Rauch - Hector Fellow Peter Hegemann

My doctoral project focuses on identifying light-sensitive proteins called photoreceptors in the model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. I aim to answer how these receptors regulate the inner biological clock known as the circadian rhythm. My major focus is to determine the properties of an unknown red light-sensitive photoreceptor and how this receptor regulates the clock. These insights can be used to understand how plants, in general, process light information.

@ Darius Rauch

Deep-sea macro­fauna in the face of Arctic Change

Katharina Kohlenbach - Hector Fellow Antje Boetius

This project focuses on the distribution of deep-sea macrofauna (animals between 0.3 mm – 5 cm) in the deep Arctic Ocean across temporal and spatial scales. I will test the hypothesis if environmental factors like ocean warming and ice retreat will affect community composition. In addition, I will study the diversity, distribution, and connectivity of isopods as they comprise an abundant and diverse group of the macrofauna but are understudied in the Central Arctic. They are “brooders” – meaning they hatch their young in a brood pouch (imagine a tiny kangaroo) and therefore they usually do not disperse as far as animals with free-swimming larvae.

© Katharina Kohlenbach

Holographic 3D Laser Printing

Sebastian Koch - Hector Fellow Martin Wegener

3D printing at the nanoscale is an established technology. However, for certain applications it is still considered prohibitively slow. Conventionally, laser beam pulses illuminate one volume element after another in a light-sensitive ink, building up the desired object. In this project, each laser pulse is holographically shaped and illuminates a large number of voxels in parallel. This technique promises orders of magnitude faster printing and shall be demonstrated for complex 3D structures.

@ Pascal Kiefer

Realiz­ing p‑Wave Super­flu­id­ity in Ultra­cold Polar Molecules

Christine Frank - Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch

Polar molecules enable the simulation of complex spin models and condensed matter phenomena due to their tunable long-range interactions. This project aims to investigate the transition from a Bose-Einstein condensate of tetratomic molecules to a diatomic p-wave superfluid, referred to as BEC-BCS crossover. The superfluid is of special interest as it is expected to host Majorana zero modes—quasi-particles ideal for fault-tolerant topological quantum computing.

© Christine Frank

Design and Charac­ter­i­za­tion of 3D-printed Microstruc­tures using Deep Learning

Tim Alletzhäusser - Hector Fellow Martin Wegener

The project aims to accelerate and improve the fabrication of micromaterials by 3D laser printing through the use of deep neural networks (DNNs). Physical simulations of the printing process are developed and used to train the DNNs. They can then, for example, characterize the printed structures already in the printer or pre-compensate objects in such a way that iterative characterization and optimization outside the printer can be minimized.

© Tim Alletzhäusser

Expanded boron-embed­ded helicenes as novel organic materials

Klaudia Szkodzinska - Hector RCD Awardee Agnieszka Nowak-Król

Helicenes are a group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with screw-shaped structures that give rise to characteristic optical and optoelectronic properties. Both expansion of the helical structure and its enrichment with boron have been proved to enhance these properties, enabling multiple applications, for example in OLEDs and OFETs. This project focuses on the synthesis of helicenes integrating both features as potential new materials for organic electronics and fundamental studies.

Expanded boron-embedded helicenes as novel organic materials© Klaudia Szkodzinska

On the Poten­tial Impli­ca­tion of Rhodopsins in Avian Magnetosensitivity

Arno Munhoven - Hector Fellow Peter Hegemann

Earth's magnetic field guides migratory birds over vast distances. Despite decades of research, the mechanisms behind avian magnetosensitivity remain unclear. Recent studies suggest cryptochromes play a role, but proving this is challenging. Our project explores whether rhodopsins, previously overlooked, also contribute. We aim to understand these photoreceptors at a molecular level and enable behavioural experiments with transgenic birds.

On the Potential Implication of Rhodopsins in Avian Magnetosensitivity© Arno Munhoven

Evolu­tion of wound care and rescue behav­iour in army ants

Juan José Lagos-Oviedo - Hector RCD Awardee Erik T. Frank

Certain ant species exhibit wound care and rescue behaviours towards injured nestmates, thereby enhancing their survival and sustaining the colony's workforce. Despite these benefits, it remains unclear how ecological and evolutionary factors have shaped these social behaviours. By using interdisciplinary methods from behaviour and theoretical biology, we aim to elucidate the causes and consequences underlying the evolution of wound care and rescue behaviours.

 Evolution of wound care and rescue behaviour in army ants© Juan J. Lagos-Oviedo & Jeremy Squire

Cogni­tive and neural mecha­nisms under­ly­ing memory gener­al­iza­tion during wakeful­ness and sleep

Katja Kleespies - Hector RCD Awardee Monika Schönauer

The human brain has the remarkable ability to flexibly generalize knowledge from specific learning experiences to new situations. However, the mechanisms underlying such generalization processes are still not fully understood. This project aims at characterizing the cognitive and neural representations that underlie successful generalization processes and to identify factors that influence them (e.g., sleep). As such, we hope to gain a better understanding of how we make sense of the continuously changing world around us.

Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying memory generalization during wakefulness and sleep© Katja Kleespies

Heat Actuated Elastocaloric Cooling

Yi-Ting Hsiau - Hector RCD Awardee Jingyuan Xu

Elastocaloric cooling utilizes stress-induced crystallographic phase transformation which releases or absorbs latent heat upon stress loading or removal. It is a promising next-generation solid-state cooling due to its high caloric effect. However, one of the disadvantages is the huge electric actuator required. This project aims to integrate actuators driven by low-grade heat to reach the goal of reducing driver-to-refrigerant mass ratio and zero electricity input.

Heat Actuated Elastocaloric CoolingYi-Ting Hsiau