© Hector Fellow Academy
31. May 2021
Karl Leo receives Blaise-Pascal-Medal

Karl Leo received the Blaise-Pascal-Medal of the European Academy of Sciences

Profes­sor of Physics Karl Leo from the Techni­cal Univer­sity Dresden has received the Blaise-Pascal- Medal of the European Academy of Sciences in an online award ceremony in May 2021. The European Academy of Sciences estab­lished the Blaise-Pascal-Medal, named after the great French mathe­mati­cian-physi­cist-philoso­pher Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), in 2003. The award recog­nizes outstand­ing and proven personal contri­bu­tions to science and technol­ogy and the promo­tion of excel­lence in research and teaching.

After Karl Leo received the Jan-Rajch­mann-Prize in April and nominated for the European Inven­tor Award in early May, the Blaise-Pascal-Medal is already the third award in recent times.

The European Academy of Sciences, a non-profit, indepen­dent non-govern­men­tal organi­za­tion, thus honors his achieve­ments in the field of organic semicon­duc­tors. Leo works on methods to increase the efficiency of OLEDs with a dedicated and motivated team. The break­through came in 1998, when his team first produced an organic OLED that was multi­ple times more efficient, sustain­able and had a longer lifetime than earlier versions. Meanwhile, OLED displays, organic solar cells and organic sensors devel­oped at TU Dresden are sold globally.

Congrat­u­la­tions to Karl Leo!