Network­ing and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary knowl­edge transfer
Alumni projects

Completed projects

The Hector Fellow Academy has created a dynamic network for its alumni in order to maintain the dialogue between outstand­ing scien­tists beyond the project period. The regular exchange and trans­fer of research results as well as the oppor­tu­nity for long-term inter­dis­ci­pli­nary cooper­a­tion makes the HFA a vital academy of science. We are pleased that the follow­ing projects have been success­fully completed.

Associated Fellows-Projekte

Completed inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects

Unfor­tu­nately, no completed projects were found. Infor­ma­tion will follow soon. 

Completed doctoral projects

Tempo­ral and spatial micro­bial dynam­ics in the Arctic Ocean

Magda Cardozo-Miño – Hector Fellow Antje Boetius

The project inves­ti­gates compo­si­tion and function of micro­bial commu­ni­ties in Fram Strait, the major gateway between the Arctic and the Atlantic Oceans, and how these are linked with environ­men­tal condi­tions. A series of cutting-edge, molec­u­lar approaches are applied to assess micro­bial functional capac­i­ties, commu­nity compo­si­tion and their tempo­ral varia­tion in a region under special threat by climate change. The project is super­vised by Hector Fellow Antje Boetius.


© Dr. Eduard Fadeev AWI

Unveil­ing the Galac­tic History with Pulsat­ing Variable Stars

Gustavo Medina Toledo – Hector Fellow Eva Grebel

This project aims to explore the use of young and old pulsat­ing variable stars to improve our current under­stand­ing of the Milky Way. This will be achieved by perform­ing a novel study of the kinemat­ics, ages and chemi­cal compo­si­tions of Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars which, in spite of being arche­types of differ­ent stellar popula­tions, repre­sent key tracers of the recent star forma­tion and assem­bly history of the Galaxy.


© Gustavo Medina Toledo

Sensi­tive period plastic­ity and functional recov­ery after sight restoration

Rashi Pant — Hector Fellow Brigitte Röder

Visual experi­ence during a sensi­tive period is crucial for the normal devel­op­ment of the brain. Individ­u­als who are treated for congen­i­tal cataracts more than a few weeks from birth suffer from low visual acuity as well as specific deficits (such as impaired face process­ing). This project inves­ti­gates the possi­ble mecha­nisms that mediate this sensi­tive period, by non-invasively assess­ing brain struc­ture and function in congen­i­tally and devel­op­men­tally visually deprived individuals.


© Rashi Pant

Mecha­nisms of Repro­duc­tive Isola­tion During Rapid Speciation

Sina Rometsch – Hector Fellow Axel Meyer

Repro­duc­tive isola­tion, the ceased exchange of genetic mater­ial, is crucial for the diver­gence of popula­tions into distinct species. This is commonly facil­i­tated by an extrin­sic physi­cal barrier, but rarely it can also occur devoid of such barri­ers. Whether speci­a­tion proceeds by the same or differ­ent repro­duc­tive isola­tion mecha­nisms under these two geographic scenar­ios remains a matter of debate. We aim to contribute to this funda­men­tal question in biology by taking advan­tage of a model system of speci­a­tion: the Midas cichlid fishes.


© Vladimir Wrangel — Adobe Stock

Epige­netic Under­ly­ing of Appet­i­tive Aggression

Anja Rukundo-Zeller – Hector Fellow Thomas Elbert

Aggres­sion can be distin­guished in a reactive form, which is a protec­tive response to an acute threat and an instru­men­tal form, which is goal directed. Appet­i­tive aggres­sion is a sub form of instru­men­tal aggres­sion, which is defined by the experi­ence of lust when perpe­trat­ing violence. So far, the latter has been only assessed through self-report. The doctoral project under super­vi­sion of Prof. Thomas Elbert intends to create an objec­tive, epige­netic marker for appet­i­tive aggression.


© Anja Rukundo-Zeller

Gold-catalyzed function­al­iza­tion of 1,3‑diyne derivatives

Philipp Stein – Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi

The efficient design of chemi­cal processes is of great impor­tance for the chemi­cal indus­try. Current research makes an essen­tial contri­bu­tion to synthe­siz­ing complex substrates inexpen­sively in as few steps as possi­ble and in high yield. This PhD project, under the direc­tion of Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi, there­fore, deals with the mecha­nism and the function­al­iza­tion of a wide range of 1,3‑diynes with varying nucleophiles.


Gold-catalyzed functionalization of 1,3-diyne derivatives© Philipp Stein

1,3‑Diketon Based Ligands for Transi­tion Metal Catalysis

Jonas Wunsch – Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi

The devel­op­ment of catalysts to increase the chemi­cal efficiency or to find completely new chemi­cal reactions has found great inter­est. For this a wide variety of ligands are needed. The doctoral is super­vised by Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi and aims at devel­op­ing new ligands that are based on the formal double depro­to­na­tion of 1,3‑diketones and thereby enlarg­ing the chemi­cal space of known ligands. For this new synthetic methods have to be found and the obtained ligands have to be tested and characterised.


© Jonas Wunsch

Completed Associ­ated Young Researchers Projects

Unfor­tu­nately, no completed projects were found.