Creat­ing the Future

The role of early vision for bidirec­tional neural communication

Tiago Lereno Mesquita - Hector Fellow Brigitte Röder

Collaborating with the LV Prasad Eye institute, we investigate sight recovery individuals with a history of transient congenital blindness due to cataracts to unveil the neural mechanisms of sensitive periods in brain development. More specifically, we investigate higher cortical representations and whether and how they emerge if visual input arrives delayed e.g., not before mid-childhood. The present PhD project will focus on object representations and how they emerge in the interaction with other visual areas. We expect a better understanding of how early experience shapes adult brain connectivity.

© Tiago Lereno Mesquita

Neuroim­mune-vascu­lar inter­play in Alzheimer’s disease

Matteo Rovere - Hector Fellow Christian Haass

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has a multifactorial etiology which includes, among others, vascular dysfunction and aberrant neuroimmunity. We aim to investigate the gene ABI3 as a potential connection between these two facets of AD pathophysiology. Through transgenic murine models, and using a combination of biochemical, immunohistochemical, and in vivo imaging techniques, we will explore how the late-onset AD risk variant S209F ABI3 affects neurodegeneration, immune fitness, and vascular dynamics.

S209F ABI3 knock-in and knockout transgenic mice exhibit neurovascular defects and microglial branching and motility changes. Our project aims to identify the molecular mechanism(s) behind these phenotypes through a combination of biochemistry and molecular biology, in vivo imaging on transgenic mouse models, and multi-omics and neuroimaging data collected on large AD patient cohorts.© Matteo Rovere

Multi­di­men­sional Model­ing of Inborn Errors of Hematopoiesis in a new three-dimen­sional Human Bone Marrow Organoid Model System

Megha Varghese Mukherjee - Hector Fellow Christoph Klein

Rare genetic disorders lead to a failure to produce enough blood cells that are frequently fatal, seen most often among young children. These diseases are primarily monogenic, caused by the loss of function in a single gene. To investigate the effects of this loss of function, my project seeks to mimic it outside of the human body, specifically in human bone marrow organoids (BMOs). By studying BMOs, the aim is to identify critical factors contributing to bone marrow failure and ultimately use this information to develop new diagnostic methods.

Human iPSC-derived bone marrow organoids – modeling errors in hematopoiesis© Megha Varghese Mukherjee

Steps Towards Solving the Enigma of Multi­ple Popula­tions in Star Clusters

Abhinna Sundar Samantaray - Hector Fellow Eva Grebel

Star clusters used to be considered to consist of stars that all formed simultaneously and with the same elemental abundances. The surprising discovery that these clusters contain multiple populations with characteristic abundance inhomogeneities remains an enigma. I will investigate whether rotational mixing is a plausible culprit, using massive emission-line stars as tracers of rapid rotation. Also, I will assess the validity of certain light elements as signatures of multiple populations.

Steps Towards Solving the Enigma of Multiple Populations in Star Clusters© NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Westerlund 2 Science Team

Triggered contrac­tion of self-assem­bled DNA nanotube rings

Maja Illig - Hector RCD Awardee Kerstin Göpfrich

DNA nanotubes are widely used as a mimic for cytoskeletal filaments in bottom-up synthetic biology. Using a synthetic starPEG construct that acts as a crosslinker, we succeed in bundling the few nanometer thick DNA nanotubes. In bulk they self-assemble into micron-scale rings. We achieve their contraction upon temperature increase or molecular depletion with crowing molecules such as dextran (in collaboration with Kierfeld group, TU Dortmund).

Triggered contraction of self-assembled DNA nanotube rings© Maja Illig

Science evening 2024

Scientific Host: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder, Talks: Dr. Sebastian Frank, Prof. Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz, em. Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert, Moderation: Andrea Grießmann

Why do children and adults learn differently?

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