Creat­ing the Future


Alumni are former members of the Hector Fellow Academy who have completed their project but remain affil­i­ated with the Academy.

Super­vised by
Link to the Project
Dr. Sarah Bay
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
Funda­men­tals of gold catalysis
Chris Byrohl
Dylan Nelson
Circum­galac­tic Medium and the Cosmic Web
Magda Cardozo-Miño
Antje Boetius
Tempo­ral and spatial micro­bial dynam­ics in the Arctic Ocean
Giuseppe Ciccone
Karl Leo
High-resolu­tion optoge­net­ics with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
Daniela Conrad
Thomas Elbert
Genet­ics and Epige­net­ics of Posttrau­matic Stress Disor­der and its Treatment
Margaret Deibel
Eberhart Zrenner
Appli­ca­tions of Non-Invasive Ocular Signal Measurements
Daniel Eppel
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
Photo­catal­y­sis and Transi­tion-Metal-Catalyzed Reactions of Furane-Derivatives
Rodrigo Fernan­dez Lahore
Peter Hegemann
High-resolu­tion optoge­net­ics with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
Dr. Claudio Findeisen
Peter Gumbsch
Mechan­i­cal Metamaterials
Jan Gerwin
Axel Meyer & Thomas Elbert
Towards Under­stand­ing the Genetic Basis of Appet­i­tive Aggres­sive Behavior
Dr. Jean-Francois Greisch
Manfred Kappes
Funda­men­tals of gold catalysis
Zalikha Murni Abdul Hamid
Peter Gumbsch
Contin­uum Damage Models for Relia­bil­ity Assess­ment of Struc­tural Composites
Dr. Wadood Haq
Eberhart Zrenner
CarboChip: High perfor­mance micro-electrodes for retinal implant
Dr. Wadood Haq
Eberhart Zrenner
RetinaSen­sor: Enhanced Vision Restora­tion in Blind People
Cornelia E. Hintze
Hilbert von Löhneysen
Magnet­ism in Perovskite Mangan­ites and Cobaltites at the Nano Scale
Julian Köpfler
Martin Wegener
Three-dimen­sional Chiral Metamaterials
Dr. Muamer Kadic
Martin Wegener
Mechan­i­cal Metamaterials
Joannis Koepsell
Immanuel Bloch
Fermi­onic Quantum Gas Microscope
Dr. Amber Makowicz
Axel Meyer
Stress & Epige­net­ics: Epige­netic effects of parental stress in offspring
Gustavo Medina Toledo
Eva Grebel
Unveil­ing the Galac­tic History with Pulsat­ing Variable Stars
Andreas Müller
Franz Nestmann
Bank Struc­tur­ing in Urban Environ­ments through Micro Groins
Phoebe Pauline Onjira
Franz Nestmann
Influ­ence of River Basin Morphol­ogy and Climate Change on Water Parti­tion­ing in Semi-Arid River Basins
Rashi Pant
Brigitte Röder
Sensi­tive period plastic­ity and functional recov­ery after sight restoration
Zdenek Prudil
Eva Grebel
RR Lyrae stars as tracers of substruc­ture and Galac­tic archaeology
Hendrik von Raven
Immanuel Bloch
Towards Topolog­i­cal Many-Body Physics Using State-Depen­dent Optical Lattices
Sina Rometsch
Axel Meyer
Mecha­nisms of Repro­duc­tive Isola­tion During Rapid Speciation
Anja Rukundo-Zeller
Thomas Elbert
Epige­netic Under­ly­ing of Appet­i­tive Aggression
Margaret Sefton
Axel Meyer
Genetic & Devel­op­men­tal Basis of Color in Cichlid Fish
Dr. Franz Selzer
Karl Leo
CarboChip: High perfor­mance micro-electrodes for retinal implant
Philipp Stein
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
Gold-catalyzed function­al­iza­tion of 1,3‑diyne derivatives
Sandra Wagner
Eberhart Zrenner
Accom­mo­da­tion Behav­ior and Ciliary Muscle Activ­ity in Myopia
Dr. Shu-Jen Wang
Karl Leo
Novel appli­ca­tions with organic thermo­elec­tric modules
Jonas Wunsch
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
1,3‑Diketon Based Ligands for Transi­tion Metal Catalysis