Creating the Future
Alumni are former members of the Hector Fellow Academy who have completed their project but remain affiliated with the Academy.
Supervised by
Link to the Project
Magda Cardozo-Miño
Antje Boetius
Temporal and spatial microbial dynamics in the Arctic Ocean
Giuseppe Ciccone
Karl Leo
High-resolution optogenetics with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
Daniela Conrad
Thomas Elbert
Genetics and Epigenetics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Treatment
Margaret Deibel
Eberhart Zrenner
Applications of Non-Invasive Ocular Signal Measurements
Daniel Eppel
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
Photocatalysis and Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Reactions of Furane-Derivatives
Rodrigo Fernandez Lahore
Peter Hegemann
High-resolution optogenetics with organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
Jan Gerwin
Axel Meyer & Thomas Elbert
Towards Understanding the Genetic Basis of Appetitive Aggressive Behavior
Zalikha Murni Abdul Hamid
Peter Gumbsch
Continuum Damage Models for Reliability Assessment of Structural Composites
Dr. Wadood Haq
Eberhart Zrenner
CarboChip: High performance micro-electrodes for retinal implant
Dr. Wadood Haq
Eberhart Zrenner
RetinaSensor: Enhanced Vision Restoration in Blind People
Cornelia E. Hintze
Hilbert von Löhneysen
Magnetism in Perovskite Manganites and Cobaltites at the Nano Scale
Dr. Amber Makowicz
Axel Meyer
Stress & Epigenetics: Epigenetic effects of parental stress in offspring
Gustavo Medina Toledo
Eva Grebel
Unveiling the Galactic History with Pulsating Variable Stars
Andreas Müller
Franz Nestmann
Bank Structuring in Urban Environments through Micro Groins
Phoebe Pauline Onjira
Franz Nestmann
Influence of River Basin Morphology and Climate Change on Water Partitioning in Semi-Arid River Basins
Rashi Pant
Brigitte Röder
Sensitive period plasticity and functional recovery after sight restoration
Zdenek Prudil
Eva Grebel
RR Lyrae stars as tracers of substructure and Galactic archaeology
Hendrik von Raven
Immanuel Bloch
Towards Topological Many-Body Physics Using State-Dependent Optical Lattices
Sina Rometsch
Axel Meyer
Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation During Rapid Speciation
Anja Rukundo-Zeller
Thomas Elbert
Epigenetic Underlying of Appetitive Aggression
Dr. Franz Selzer
Karl Leo
CarboChip: High performance micro-electrodes for retinal implant
Philipp Stein
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
Gold-catalyzed functionalization of 1,3‑diyne derivatives
Sandra Wagner
Eberhart Zrenner
Accommodation Behavior and Ciliary Muscle Activity in Myopia
Jonas Wunsch
A. Stephen K. Hashmi
1,3‑Diketon Based Ligands for Transition Metal Catalysis