Creat­ing the Future
Doctoral Projects

Doctoral Projects

Every year, the Hector Fellow Academy supports several doctoral positions for promis­ing young scien­tists from all over the world. Under the super­vi­sion of a Hector Fellow, they will work on their innov­a­tive doctoral projects over a period of three years. In addition to financ­ing their positions, they receive additional research funding from the Academy and take part in further train­ing events.


Current projects

The follow­ing doctoral projects projects are supported

tRNA thioepi­tran­scrip­tome: a new level of trans­la­tional control in the devel­op­ing vessels

Yifan Zhu – Hector RCD Awardee Sofia-Iris Bibli

Trans­fer (t) RNAs are a major part of the trans­la­tional machin­ery and recent studies have proposed a number of mutations in enzymes involved in the modifi­ca­tion of tRNAs as being linked to human diseases. However, our knowl­edge about human tRNA modifi­ca­tions is fragmen­tary, and the most compre­hen­sive tRNA modifi­ca­tion database contain infor­ma­tion on only 20% of human tRNA modifi­ca­tions. Inter­est­ingly, tRNA thiola­tion; result­ing from intra­cel­lu­lar sulfur mobiliza­tion was found to regulate protein trans­la­tion in bacte­ria and yeast and deter­mine their responses to heat stress.


tRNA thioepitranscriptome: a new level of translational control in the developing vessels© Yifan Zhu

Repre­sen­ta­tion Learn­ing and Causal­ity: Theory, Practice, and Impli­ca­tions for Mecha­nis­tic Interpretability

Florent Draye — Hector Fellow Bernhard Schölkopf

This research projec aims to contribute to the devel­op­ment of methods that extract infor­ma­tive and inter­pretable features from high-dimen­sional datasets, with a focus on uncov­er­ing high-level causally related factors that describe meaning­ful seman­tics of the data. This, in turn, can help us gain deeper insights into the repre­sen­ta­tions found within advanced gener­a­tive models, partic­u­larly founda­tion models and LLMs, with the goal of improv­ing their efficiency and safety. 


Representation Learning and Causality: Theory, Practice, and Implications for Mechanistic Interpretability© Florent Draye

Inducible CRISPR gene editing systems for patho­genic USH2A variants

Salome Spaag — Hector Fellow Eberhart Zrenner

Amongst the leading causes of retinal dystro­phies world­wide is Retini­tis pigmen­tosa, a severe disease often caused by splice variants in the USH2A gene. This project aims to develop a safe CRISPR-based thera­peu­tic strat­egy for correc­tion of such splic­ing defects. Using enhanced-deletion nucle­ases, the disease-causing alter­ations can be elimi­nated, hereby restor­ing correct protein synthe­sis. The focus lies on safety features as well as the devel­op­ment of an inducible viral deliv­ery system for clini­cal application.


Inducible CRISPR gene editing systems for pathogenic USH2A variants© Salome Spaag

Inves­ti­ga­tion of the influ­ence of steri­cally challeng­ing NHC gold(I) complexes in di-cyclizations

Matthias Scherr — Hector Fellow A. Stephen K. Hashmi

The research project inves­ti­gates the influ­ence of steri­cally demand­ing NHC-gold(I) complexes on the cycliza­tion of diyne deriv­a­tives. The focus is on the synthe­sis of various steri­cally demand­ing NHC-gold(I) complexes and their appli­ca­tion in diyne cycliza­tions, partic­u­larly examin­ing the reactiv­ity and selec­tiv­ity in gold-catalyzed reactions. Further inves­ti­ga­tions include theoret­i­cal calcu­la­tions and practi­cal appli­ca­tions of the synthe­sized cycliza­tion products for pharma­ceu­ti­cals or organic materials.


Investigation of the influence of sterically challenging NHC gold(I) complexes in di-cyclizations© Matthias Scherr

Advanc­ing rare disease classi­fi­ca­tion: explor­ing repre­sen­ta­tion learn­ing in low-data and heavy tail settings

Laure Ciernik – Hector Fellow Klaus-Robert Müller

This project seeks to advance rare disease classi­fi­ca­tion using deep neural networks by address­ing key challenges such as limited data and high hetero­gene­ity. We will assess exist­ing models and their repre­sen­ta­tions, inves­ti­gat­ing how techni­cal varia­tions in medical data affect their characteristics. 


© Laure Ciernik

Photonic Neuro­mor­phic Circuits for Artifi­cial Neural Networks

Martin Stecher — Hector Fellow Jürg Leuthold

We aim to develop artifi­cial neural networks with brain-inspired circuits. Like in the brain, artifi­cial neurons and synapses are built with novel memris­tors, arranged in a cross­bar array. By combin­ing these with ultra-fast photon­ics, we seek to improve signal process­ing and matrix-vector multi­pli­ca­tions to address limita­tions from state-of-the-art archi­tec­tures. This approach aims to advance comput­ing solutions by reduc­ing energy consump­tion, compu­ta­tional time, and system complexity.


© Martin Stecher

Unveil­ing Circa­dian Function of Photore­cep­tors in Plants

Darius Rauch — Hector Fellow Peter Hegemann

My doctoral project focuses on identi­fy­ing light-sensi­tive proteins called photore­cep­tors in the model organ­ism Chlamy­domonas reinhardtii. I aim to answer how these recep­tors regulate the inner biolog­i­cal clock known as the circa­dian rhythm. My major focus is to deter­mine the proper­ties of an unknown red light-sensi­tive photore­cep­tor and how this recep­tor regulates the clock. These insights can be used to under­stand how plants, in general, process light information.


@ Darius Rauch

Deep-sea macro­fauna in the face of Arctic Change

Katha­rina Kohlen­bach — Hector Fellow Antje Boetius

This project focuses on the distri­b­u­tion of deep-sea macro­fauna (animals between 0.3 mm – 5 cm) in the deep Arctic Ocean across tempo­ral and spatial scales. I will test the hypoth­e­sis if environ­men­tal factors like ocean warming and ice retreat will affect commu­nity compo­si­tion. In addition, I will study the diver­sity, distri­b­u­tion, and connec­tiv­ity of isopods as they comprise an abundant and diverse group of the macro­fauna but are under­stud­ied in the Central Arctic. They are “brood­ers” – meaning they hatch their young in a brood pouch (imagine a tiny kanga­roo) and there­fore they usually do not disperse as far as animals with free-swimming larvae. 


© Katha­rina Kohlenbach

Holographic 3D Laser Printing

Sebas­t­ian Koch — Hector Fellow Martin Wegener

3D print­ing at the nanoscale is an estab­lished technol­ogy. However, for certain appli­ca­tions it is still consid­ered prohib­i­tively slow. Conven­tion­ally, laser beam pulses illumi­nate one volume element after another in a light-sensi­tive ink, build­ing up the desired object. In this project, each laser pulse is holograph­i­cally shaped and illumi­nates a large number of voxels in paral­lel. This technique promises orders of magni­tude faster print­ing and shall be demon­strated for complex 3D structures.


@ Pascal Kiefer

Realiz­ing p‑Wave Super­flu­id­ity in Ultra­cold Polar Molecules

Chris­tine Frank — Hector Fellow Immanuel Bloch

Polar molecules enable the simula­tion of complex spin models and condensed matter phenom­ena due to their tunable long-range inter­ac­tions. This project aims to inves­ti­gate the transi­tion from a Bose-Einstein conden­sate of tetratomic molecules to a diatomic p‑wave super­fluid, referred to as BEC-BCS crossover. The super­fluid is of special inter­est as it is expected to host Majorana zero modes—quasi-particles ideal for fault-toler­ant topolog­i­cal quantum computing.


© Chris­tine Frank

Design and Charac­ter­i­za­tion of 3D-printed Microstruc­tures using Deep Learning

Tim Allet­zhäusser — Hector Fellow Martin Wegener

The project aims to accel­er­ate and improve the fabri­ca­tion of micro­ma­te­ri­als by 3D laser print­ing through the use of deep neural networks (DNNs). Physi­cal simula­tions of the print­ing process are devel­oped and used to train the DNNs. They can then, for example, charac­ter­ize the printed struc­tures already in the printer or pre-compen­sate objects in such a way that itera­tive charac­ter­i­za­tion and optimiza­tion outside the printer can be minimized.


© Tim Alletzhäusser

Optical and electronic neuro­mor­phic systems

Richard Kantel­berg – Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Karl Leo

The research project "Optical and electronic neuro­mor­phic systems" focuses on bio-inspired and resource-efficient concepts for neuro­mor­phic comput­ing. The aim is to realise these concepts in optical and electronic systems based on organic semicon­duc­tor materi­als and to describe their physi­cal foundations.


Im Forschungsprojekt sollen neuromorphe Funktionen basierend auf organischen Halbleitern realisiert werden. Dazu können beispielsweise Faserstrukturen aus Poly-3,4-ethylendioxythiophen dienen. Die Struktuformel stellt das Monomer (3,4-Ethylendioxythiophen) dar.© Richard Kantelberg

The Algorith­mic Basis of Pattern Recog­ni­tion in an Insect Pollinator

Lochlan Walsh — Hector RCD Awardee Anna Stöckl

Human brains and vision-based robot­ics require inten­sive compu­ta­tion to recog­nize visual pattern features in various contexts and augmen­ta­tions, known as invari­ant pattern recog­ni­tion. The humming­bird hawkmoth (Macroglos­sum stellatarum) similarly uses pattern features on flowers to select suitable forag­ing sites, with only a fraction of the ‘compu­ta­tional power’. Aiming to under­stand how they do so with such efficiency, we will use behav­ioural, neural, and compu­ta­tional methods to uncover the algorith­mic basis of (invari­ant) pattern recog­ni­tion in insect pollinators.


Die algorithmische Grundlage der Mustererkennung bei einem Bestäuberinsekt


© Anna Stöckl

Higher rank Teich­müller theory with a focus on SO(p,q)

Laura Lankers — Hector Fellow Anna Wienhard

In a space­time we have one time dimen­sions and multi­ple space dimen­sions. In our reality we experi­ence three space-like dimen­sions. Now in differ­en­tial geome­try, nothing keeps us from consid­er­ing manifolds with multi­ple time-like dimen­sions. In this project we study algebraic struc­tures, in partic­u­lar the group SO(p,q), which describe the dynam­ics and the geome­try of so-called pseudo-Riemann­ian hyper­bolic spaces with at least one time dimension.


© Deposit­pho­tos

Using mathe­mat­i­cal model­ing to facil­i­tate the trans­la­tion of research findings

Katha­rina Lauk — Hector Fellow Jens Timmer

Despite exten­sive research in person­al­ized medicine, promis­ing person­al­ized thera­pies still fail to trans­late into clini­cal practice. In my research project, I aim to construct a pathway model that predicts the effects of poten­tial thera­pies by combin­ing mecha­nis­tic model­ing and exper­i­men­tal approaches to meet ideal crite­ria for facil­i­tat­ing the trans­la­tion of research to patients.


Mit der mathema+schen Modellierung die Transla+on von Forschungsergebnissen
erleichtern© Katha­rina Lauk

Molec­u­lar Spin Systems on Surfaces

Paul Greule — Hector RCD Awardee Philip Willke

Single magnetic molecules can be used as build­ing blocks to construct new artifi­cial spin systems which are inter­est­ing for future quantum devices. We use scanning tunnel­ing microscopy (STM) combined with electron spin resonance (ESR) to construct and inves­ti­gate such spin systems on a surface. This enables the study of funda­men­tal spin proper­ties on the atomic scale and explor­ing novel magnetic phenom­ena in multi-spin systems.


Molekulare Spin-Systeme auf Oberflächen© Paul Greule

The role of early vision for bidirec­tional neural communication

Tiago Lereno Mesquita — Hector Fellow Brigitte Röder

Collab­o­rat­ing with the LV Prasad Eye insti­tute, we inves­ti­gate sight recov­ery individ­u­als with a history of transient congen­i­tal blind­ness due to cataracts to unveil the neural mecha­nisms of sensi­tive periods in brain devel­op­ment. More specif­i­cally, we inves­ti­gate higher corti­cal repre­sen­ta­tions and whether and how they emerge if visual input arrives delayed e.g., not before mid-child­hood. The present PhD project will focus on object repre­sen­ta­tions and how they emerge in the inter­ac­tion with other visual areas. We expect a better under­stand­ing of how early experi­ence shapes adult brain connectivity.


© Tiago Lereno Mesquita

Neuroim­­mune-vascu­lar inter­play in Alzheimer’s disease

Matteo Rovere — Hector Fellow Chris­t­ian Haass

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has a multi­fac­to­r­ial etiol­ogy which includes, among others, vascu­lar dysfunc­tion and aberrant neuroim­mu­nity. We aim to inves­ti­gate the gene ABI3 as a poten­tial connec­tion between these two facets of AD patho­phys­i­ol­ogy. Through trans­genic murine models, and using a combi­na­tion of biochem­i­cal, immuno­his­to­chem­i­cal, and in vivo imaging techniques, we will explore how the late-onset AD risk variant S209F ABI3 affects neurode­gen­er­a­tion, immune fitness, and vascu­lar dynamics.


S209F ABI3 knock-in and knockout transgenic mice exhibit neurovascular defects and microglial branching and motility changes. Our project aims to identify the molecular mechanism(s) behind these phenotypes through a combination of biochemistry and molecular biology, in vivo imaging on transgenic mouse models, and multi-omics and neuroimaging data collected on large AD patient cohorts.© Matteo Rovere

Multi­di­men­sional Model­ing of Inborn Errors of Hematopoiesis in a new three-dimen­­sional Human Bone Marrow Organoid Model System

Megha Vargh­ese Mukher­jee — Hector Fellow Christoph Klein

Rare genetic disor­ders lead to a failure to produce enough blood cells that are frequently fatal, seen most often among young children. These diseases are primar­ily monogenic, caused by the loss of function in a single gene. To inves­ti­gate the effects of this loss of function, my project seeks to mimic it outside of the human body, specif­i­cally in human bone marrow organoids (BMOs). By study­ing BMOs, the aim is to identify criti­cal factors contribut­ing to bone marrow failure and ultimately use this infor­ma­tion to develop new diagnos­tic methods.


Human iPSC-derived bone marrow organoids – modeling errors in hematopoiesis© Megha Vargh­ese Mukherjee

Steps Towards Solving the Enigma of Multi­ple Popula­tions in Star Clusters

Abhinna Sundar Saman­taray — Hector Fellow Eva Grebel

Star clusters used to be consid­ered to consist of stars that all formed simul­ta­ne­ously and with the same elemen­tal abundances. The surpris­ing discov­ery that these clusters contain multi­ple popula­tions with charac­ter­is­tic abundance inhomo­geneities remains an enigma. I will inves­ti­gate whether rotational mixing is a plausi­ble culprit, using massive emission-line stars as tracers of rapid rotation. Also, I will assess the valid­ity of certain light elements as signa­tures of multi­ple populations.


Steps Towards Solving the Enigma of Multiple Populations in Star Clusters© NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Wester­lund 2 Science Team

Triggered contrac­tion of self-assem­bled DNA nanotube rings

Maja Illig — Hector RCD Awardee Kerstin Göpfrich

DNA nanotubes are widely used as a mimic for cytoskele­tal filaments in bottom-up synthetic biology. Using a synthetic starPEG construct that acts as a crosslinker, we succeed in bundling the few nanome­ter thick DNA nanotubes. In bulk they self-assem­ble into micron-scale rings. We achieve their contrac­tion upon temper­a­ture increase or molec­u­lar deple­tion with crowing molecules such as dextran (in collab­o­ra­tion with Kierfeld group, TU Dortmund).


Triggered contraction of self-assembled DNA nanotube rings© Maja Illig

Cloudy With a Chance of Rain: Simulat­ing the Galac­tic Weather

Katrin Lehle — Hector RCD Awardee Dylan Nelson

Galax­ies are embed­ded in a rich and complex atmos­phere – the circum­galac­tic medium (CGM). Under­stand­ing the processes going on in the CGM is inevitable for a self-consis­tent model for galaxy evolu­tion. Thus, we will shed some light on open questions about galaxy clusters using numer­i­cal simula­tions. We will analyze the already exist­ing cosmo­log­i­cal state-of-the art simula­tion Illus­trisTNG and also write new types of simulation.


Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Regen: Simulationen des galaktischen Wetters© Katrin Lehle

Genetic basis of bilat­eral asymme­try in a scale-eating fish

Xiaomeng Tian – Hector Fellow Axel Meyer

Most animals exhibit bilat­eral symme­try, but asymmet­ric traits have repeat­edly evolved in differ­ent taxonomic groups. However, the genetic mecha­nisms respon­si­ble for asymmet­ric trait varia­tion remain unclear. We will use the scale-eating fish, Peris­so­dus microlepis, to dissect the genetic basis of its remark­able morpho­log­i­cal and behav­ioural asymme­try. This study will yield impor­tant insights into the mecha­nis­tic under­pin­nings of asymmet­ric devel­op­ment and the origin of evolu­tion­ary novelty.


© Xiaomeng Tian

Neural processes of adaptive and maladap­tive memory consolidation

Tobias Kraus – Hector RCD Awardee Monika Schönauer

Highly emotional memories are processed differ­ently from neutral ones. For negative experi­ences, this can result in maladap­tive memory forma­tion which may foster emotional psycho­log­i­cal disor­ders. This project aims to improve our under­stand­ing of adaptive and maladap­tive memory process­ing. We will analyze brain activ­ity in tasks that model maladap­tive memory symptoms. By this, we hope to identify entry points for treat­ments that counter­act maladap­tive memory formation.


© Tobias Kraus

High-resolu­­tion 3D mapping of the human hypothal­a­mus in 10 postmortem brains

Alexey Chervon­nyy – Hector Fellow Katrin Amunts

Our study aims to analyse and map the cytoar­chi­tec­ture of the human hypothal­a­mus in histo­log­i­cal sections of 10 postmortem brains. As a result, we want to develop a high-resolu­tion 3D recon­structed histo­log­i­cal model of the hypothal­a­mus and its nuclei as a tool for assess­ing the struc­ture-function relation­ship and a proba­bilis­tic cytoar­chi­tec­tonic map of the hypothal­a­mus that will reflect the variabil­ity of hypothal­a­mic nuclei between individ­ual brains, in terms of size and location in standard refer­ence space.


Hochaufgelöste 3D-Kartierung des menschlichen Hypothalamus in 10 postmortalen Gehirnen© Alexey Chervonnyy

Systems biology approach for eluci­dat­ing bacte­r­ial revival after antibi­otic treatment

Adewale Ogunl­eye – Hector RCD Awardee Ana Rita Brochado

The ability of non-resis­tant bacte­r­ial pathogens to survive antibi­otics during infec­tion (toler­ance) contributes not only to global rise of antibi­otic resis­tance, but also to chron­i­cal relapse of infec­tions. The aim of the project is to under­stand what contributes to bacte­r­ial revival after antibi­otic treat­ment and the under­ly­ing biolog­i­cal pathways. The findings of this project will contribute to better informed decisions on the selec­tion of antibi­otics to treat infec­tions and prevent relapse. 


© Adewale Ogunleye 

Strate­gies to escape viral infec­tion in archaea

Zaloa Aguirre – Hector RCD Awardee Tessa Quax

Viruses are the most abundant biolog­i­cal entities on Earth. Although they infect members of the three domains of life, little is known about the infec­tion mecha­nisms of archaeal viruses. The aim of this research is to gain insight into the inter­ac­tion between halophilic archaeal cells and their viruses by using a combi­na­tion of light and electron microscopy with molec­u­lar biology and virolog­i­cal techniques.


© Hector Fellow Academy

Mechan­i­cal manip­u­la­tion of molec­u­lar spins in CNT resonators

Tim Althuon – Hector Fellow Wolfgang Wernsdorfer

Carbon nanotube (CNT) resonators will be designed and fabri­cated to exploit their sensing proper­ties. We will graft a single-molecule magnet (SMM) on such a CNT resonator in order to manip­u­late its spin states via the mechan­i­cal motion of the CNT. Using this nanome­chan­i­cal approach, single-molecule magnets will be inves­ti­gated with the long-term prospect of apply­ing them in future quantum technologies. 


© Tim Althuon

Security and Anonymity in Quantum Networks

Ziad Chaoui – Hector RCD Awardee Anna Pappa

Due to techno­log­i­cal advances we can now build devices that actively manip­u­late quantum mechan­i­cal objects, and using quantum objects as infor­ma­tion carri­ers has many impor­tant impli­ca­tions for future commu­ni­ca­tion. Quantum infor­ma­tion can be used to achieve perfect security and provide efficiency for commu­ni­ca­tion networks. This research project focuses on design­ing secure and anony­mous quantum commu­ni­ca­tion proto­cols in an effort to build a future quantum internet.


© Ziad Chaoui

Machine learn­ing methods for gravi­­ta­­tional-wave data analysis

Maxim­il­ian Dax – Hector Fellow Bernhard Schölkopf

The detec­tion of gravi­ta­tional waves (GWs) has opened a new window on the universe, through which we can study the physics of black-hole and neutron-star mergers. By analyz­ing GWs we can infer proper­ties of the corre­spond­ing astro­phys­i­cal systems. Current analy­sis methods are however too compu­ta­tion­ally expen­sive to deal with the growing amount of data. My research is thus concerned with the devel­op­ment of more efficient methods for the GW analy­sis using power­ful machine learn­ing methods.


© Stephen R. Green

Alumni projects

Find here an overview of the already completed projects.