Creat­ing the Future
Young Researchers

Young Researchers

The young researchers are super­vised by either a Hector Fellow or a Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Awardee within the frame­work of a doctoral project or an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary project. They receive finan­cial and non-mater­ial support from the Hector Fellow Academy and are enabled to develop in a variety of ways thanks to an individ­u­al­ized support program.

Link to the Project
Zaloa Aguirre
Univer­sity of Freiburg
Strate­gies to escape viral infec­tion in archaea
Tim Allet­zhäusser
Karlsruher Insti­tut für Technolo­gie (KIT)
Design and Charac­ter­i­za­tion of 3D-printed Microstruc­tures using Deep Learning
Tim Althuon
Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology
Mechan­i­cal manip­u­la­tion of molec­u­lar spins in CNT resonators
Maxim­il­ian Ammenwerth
Max Planck Insti­tute of Quantum Optics
Realiz­ing a Quantum Proces­sor based on Stron­tium Rydberg Atoms
Ziad Chaoui
Technis­che Univer­sität Berlin
Security and Anonymity in Quantum Networks
Alexey Chervon­nyy
Heinrich Heine Univer­sity Düsseldorf
High-resolu­tion 3D mapping of the human hypothal­a­mus in 10 postmortem brains
Laure Ciernik
Technis­che Univer­sität Berlin
Advanc­ing rare disease classi­fi­ca­tion: explor­ing repre­sen­ta­tion learn­ing in low-data and heavy tail settings
Maxim­il­ian Dax
Max Planck Insti­tute for Intel­li­gent Systems
Machine learn­ing methods for gravi­ta­tional-wave data analysis
Felix Dörr
Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology
Land Subsi­dence & Ground­wa­ter Salin­iza­tion in the Mekong Delta
Florent Draye
Max Planck Insti­tute for Intel­li­gent Systems
Repre­sen­ta­tion Learn­ing and Causal­ity: Theory, Practice, and Impli­ca­tions for Mecha­nis­tic Interpretability
Chris­tine Frank
Ludwigs-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität München
Realiz­ing p‑Wave Super­flu­id­ity in Ultra­cold Polar Molecules
Paul Greule
Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology
Molec­u­lar Spin Systems on Surfaces
Dr. Wadood Haq
Eberhard Karls Univer­sität, Tübingen
RetinaSen­sor: Enhanced Vision Restora­tion in Blind People
Yu-Hsin Hsieh
Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Moleku­lare Medizin
Mitochon­dr­ial DNA mutational landscape in human T cells
Maja Illig
Max Planck Insti­tute for Medical Research
Triggered contrac­tion of self-assem­bled DNA nanotube rings
Richard Kantel­berg
TU Dresden
Optical and electronic neuro­mor­phic systems
Franziska Klingler
Heidel­berg University
High-through­put Virus Discov­ery in Next Gener­a­tion Sequenc­ing Data
Valentin Klüsener
Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität Munich
Quantum simula­tion of strong inter­ac­tions of light and matter
Sebas­t­ian Koch
Karlsruher Insti­tut für Technolo­gie (KIT)
Holographic 3D Laser Printing
Katha­rina Kohlenbach
Univer­sität Bremen / Alfred-Wegener-Insti­tut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Deep-sea macro­fauna in the face of Arctic Change
Tobias Kraus
Univer­sity of Freiburg
Neural processes of adaptive and maladap­tive memory consolidation
Laura Lankers
Max Planck Insti­tute for Mathe­mat­ics in the Sciences
Higher rank Teich­müller theory with a focus on SO(p,q)
Katha­rina Lauk
Univer­sity of Freiburg
Using mathe­mat­i­cal model­ing to facil­i­tate the trans­la­tion of research findings
Katrin Lehle
Heidel­berg University
Cloudy With a Chance of Rain: Simulat­ing the Galac­tic Weather
Tiago Lereno Mesquita
Univer­sität Hamburg
The role of early vision for bidirec­tional neural communication
Megha Vargh­ese Mukherjee
Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität Munich
Multi­di­men­sional Model­ing of Inborn Errors of Hematopoiesis in a new three-dimen­sional Human Bone Marrow Organoid Model System
Shadi Nashashibi
ETH Zürich
RetinaSen­sor: Enhanced Vision Restora­tion in Blind People
Jan Niedens
Univer­sity of Würzburg
Main group hetero­he­licenes for appli­ca­tions in organic electron­ics and catalysis
Adewale Ogunl­eye
Univer­sity of Würzburg
Systems biology approach for eluci­dat­ing bacte­r­ial revival after antibi­otic treatment
Daniel Peter­sheim
Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität Munich
Defin­ing novel resilience pathways in rare monogenic disorders
Darius Rauch
Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin
Unveil­ing Circa­dian Function of Photore­cep­tors in Plants
Matteo Rovere
Ludwig-Maxim­il­ians-Univer­sität Munich
Neuroim­mune-vascu­lar inter­play in Alzheimer’s disease
Abhinna Sundar Samantaray
Heidel­berg University
Steps Towards Solving the Enigma of Multi­ple Popula­tions in Star Clusters
Matthias Scherr
Heidel­berg University
Inves­ti­ga­tion of the influ­ence of steri­cally challeng­ing NHC gold(I) complexes in di-cyclizations
Philip Scott
Karlsruhe Insti­tute of Technology
Helic­ity Preserv­ing Cavity for Circu­lar Dichro­ism Enhancement
Salome Spaag
Eberhard Karls Univer­sität Tübingen
Inducible CRISPR gene editing systems for patho­genic USH2A variants
Yannick Stahl
Heidel­berg University
Mecha­nisms under­ly­ing patho­gen­e­sis of SARS-CoV‑2 infections
Martin Stecher
ETH Zürich
Photonic Neuro­mor­phic Circuits for Artifi­cial Neural Networks
Xiaomeng Tian
Univer­sity of Konstanz
Genetic basis of bilat­eral asymme­try in a scale-eating fish
Stian Torset
Max Planck Insti­tute for Marine Microbiology
The inves­ti­ga­tion of the forma­tion- and purpose of black matter in anaer­o­bic methane oxidis­ers and methanogens
Lochlan Walsh
Univer­sity of Konstanz
The Algorith­mic Basis of Pattern Recog­ni­tion in an Insect Pollinator
Yifan Zhu
Heidel­berg University
tRNA thioepi­tran­scrip­tome: a new level of trans­la­tional control in the devel­op­ing vessels