Creat­ing the future


Press & Video

The Age of Artifi­cial Intel­li­gence — How Bernhard Schölkopf Is Shaping the Future of AI

The Age of Artifi­cial Intel­li­gence — How Bernhard Schölkopf Is Shaping the Future of AI

Under­stand­ing Biology Better With Mathe­mat­i­cal Models — Jens Timmer and Systems Biology

Under­stand­ing Biology Better With Mathe­mat­i­cal Models — Jens Timmer and Systems Biology

Why Do Children and Adults Learn Differently?

Why Do Children and Adults Learn Differently?

The Fight against Alzheimer´s — Insights into Chris­t­ian Haass´ Research

The Fight against Alzheimer´s — Insights into Chris­t­ian Haass´ Research

Fasci­nat­ing Brain — Brigitte Röder and Her Research on Neuroplasticity

Fasci­nat­ing Brain — Brigitte Röder and Her Research on Neuroplasticity

The Fasci­nat­ing Poten­tial of Light: From Photo­syn­the­sis to Memory Research

The Fasci­nat­ing Poten­tial of Light: From Photo­syn­the­sis to Memory Research

Control­ling Neurons with Light: Portrait of Optoge­net­ics Pioneer Peter Hegemann

Control­ling Neurons with Light: Portrait of Optoge­net­ics Pioneer Peter Hegemann

How physics and electri­cal engineer­ing contribute to the devel­op­ment of a new eye detector

How physics and electri­cal engineer­ing contribute to the devel­op­ment of a new eye detector

3D Print­ing — Customized and at the Push of a Button / HFA Sympo­sium 2022

3D Print­ing — Customized and at the Push of a Button / HFA Sympo­sium 2022

Hector Science Award Winner Prof. Dr. Katrin Amunts

Hector Science Award Winner Prof. Dr. Katrin Amunts

Cellu­lar Effect of Viruses — From Hepati­tis C Virus Research to SARS-COV‑2

Cellu­lar Effect of Viruses — From Hepati­tis C Virus Research to SARS-COV‑2

Water and River Basin Manage­ment — Research and Appli­ca­tion with Nature and for People

Water and River Basin Manage­ment — Research and Appli­ca­tion with Nature and for People

Discover how to apply for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award!

Discover how to apply for the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award!

Prof. Dr. Patrick Cramer receives Hector Science Award

Prof. Dr. Patrick Cramer receives Hector Science Award

Hector Science Award 2020

Hector Science Award 2020

Climate and Future: Antje Boetius on Societal Respon­si­bil­ity of Science

Climate and Future: Antje Boetius on Societal Respon­si­bil­ity of Science

Science Commu­ni­ca­tion: Antje Boetius on the Trans­fer of Research to Public

Science Commu­ni­ca­tion: Antje Boetius on the Trans­fer of Research to Public

Deep Sea and Polar Research: Antje Boetius Fight­ing Climate Change

Deep Sea and Polar Research: Antje Boetius Fight­ing Climate Change

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer receives Hector Science Award

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer receives Hector Science Award

Hector Science Award 2019

Hector Science Award 2019

Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy — Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel

Galac­tic Archae­ol­ogy — Hector Fellow Prof. Dr. Eva Grebel

This is the Hector Fellow Academy

This is the Hector Fellow Academy

Enable blind people to see again — Retinal Implants with integrated Micro­elec­trodes make it possible

Enable blind people to see again — Retinal Implants with integrated Micro­elec­trodes make it possible

Materi­als Technol­ogy as a Driver of Innova­tion — News from Materi­als Research

Materi­als Technol­ogy as a Driver of Innova­tion — News from Materi­als Research

Hector Science Award 2017

Hector Science Award 2017

Prof. Dr. Karl Leo – Future Technol­ogy Organic Electronics

Prof. Dr. Karl Leo – Future Technol­ogy Organic Electronics

Hector Science Award 2016

Hector Science Award 2016

Stress & Epige­net­ics: How Fishes Contribute to the Treat­ment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Stress & Epige­net­ics: How Fishes Contribute to the Treat­ment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Hector Science Award 2015

Hector Science Award 2015

Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch – Simulated Quantum Worlds

Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch – Simulated Quantum Worlds

Hector Science Award 2014

Hector Science Award 2014

Hector Science Award 2013

Hector Science Award 2013

Hector Science Award 2012

Hector Science Award 2012

Hector Science Award 2011

Hector Science Award 2011

Hector Science Award 2010

Hector Science Award 2010

Hector Science Award 2009

Hector Science Award 2009

Hector Science Award 2008

Hector Science Award 2008


Social Media

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You can find the Hector Fellow Academy on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. These channels are a great way to get a deeper and up to date insight into the work and activ­i­ties of the Academy. We look forward to inter­act­ing with you on our Social Media channels!


Infor­ma­tion materials


Download brochure Hector Fellow Academy
Download flyer MBA Funda­men­tals Program for Researchers