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The Academy

The young science academy Hector Fellow Academy represents interdisciplinary cutting-edge research, innovative projects, support for young scientists and social responsibility. The Academy facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration between Hector Fellows from different disciplines (STEM, psychology, and medicine). In order to pass on the knowledge of these outstanding researchers to the next generation, the Hector Fellow Academy also funds the doctoral studies of young scientists.

The Hector Fellow Academy is not only committed to strengthening Germany as a location for research and science. Through its annual symposia, it also strives to initiate future-oriented socio-political discourses and to contribute to the solution of global challenges.

Hector Fellow Academy Gruppenbild

This is the Hector Fellow Academy

Interdisciplinary Cutting-Edge Research, innovative projects and support for young scientists

The Hector Fellow Academy was founded in 2013 to offer a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, networking and mutual inspiration to the laureates of the Hector Science Award.


In the beginning, there really was just an idea. The idea was that particularly successful and hard-working researchers could be rewarded a little - and in such a way that they would also become more visible to the public and thus receive additional incentives to continue their research.

Testimonial Item

Hans-Werner Hector

Founder of the Hector Fellow Academy

In the beginning, there really was just an idea. The idea was that particularly successful and hard-working researchers could be rewarded a little - and in such a way that they would also become more visible to the public and thus receive additional incentives to continue their research.

Testimonial Item

Hans-Werner Hector

Founder of the Hector Fellow Academy

In the beginning, there really was just an idea. The idea was that particularly successful and hard-working researchers could be rewarded a little - and in such a way that they would also become more visible to the public and thus receive additional incentives to continue their research.

Testimonial Item

Hans-Werner Hector

Founder of the Hector Fellow Academy


The estab­lish­ment of the Hector Fellow Academy in 2013 was the contin­u­a­tion of an idea that Dr. h.c. Hans-Werner Hector and his wife Josephine Hector, the founders of the Hector Founda­tions, had already been pursu­ing since 2008 with the Hector Science Award: recog­niz­ing outstand­ing profes­sors in research and teach­ing in order to strengthen the public profile of these person­al­i­ties and their research.

The Hector Fellow Academy was founded with the aim of inten­si­fy­ing the collab­o­ra­tion of the Hector Science Award recip­i­ents. By connect­ing Hector Fellows, the inten­tion was and is to facil­i­tate inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects between them that other­wise would not have occurred.

The inter­dis­ci­pli­nar­ity of the researchers is a key element, as Dr. Hector empha­sized during the found­ing ceremony of the Hector Fellow Academy: "The conver­gence of high-ranking scien­tists from the broad­est range of disci­plines and even from differ­ent univer­si­ties ought to trigger new ideas and thus research that transcends the bound­aries of the fields. And perhaps it will then become the rule. That would then fulfill my desired goal that I had associ­ated with the Fellow idea."

Since then, the range of activ­i­ties of the Hector Fellow Academy has expanded. Today, the Academy uses a variety of funding formats to promote not only the network­ing of Hector Fellows but also promis­ing young scien­tists working with the Hector Fellows. Since 2020, the Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award supports W1 profes­sors and junior research group leaders.

Dr. Sylvia Lange

Funding Formats

Hector Science Award

With the Hector Science Award, the Hector Founda­tion II annually honors outstand­ing scien­tists from German univer­si­ties and research insti­tu­tions. The awardees become members of the Hector Fellow Academy. The deadline for nomina­tions is August 31 of each year.

Funding for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects

The HFA provides person­nel and research funding for innov­a­tive and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects that are imple­mented jointly by several Hector Fellows. Postdoc­toral and/or doctoral positions are provided to carry out the projects.

Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award

The Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment Award closes the gap between young scien­tists and Hector Fellows. The Hector RCD Award supports W1 profes­sors and junior research group leaders in devel­op­ing their scien­tific careers.

Support­ing young researchers

Young Scien­tists benefit not only from the expert knowl­edge of their super­vi­sors and the coordi­nated funding program of the HFA, but also from the exchange in the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary network of the Academy.

Associ­ated Young Researchers Program

Hector Fellows and Hector RCD Awardees can nominate young scien­tists from their research groups to join the Hector Fellow Academy as Associ­ated Young Researchers. They can partic­i­pate in HFA events and are supported with mater­ial resources.

Funding for scien­tific events

The Hector Fellow Academy also awards funding for workshops and inter­na­tional confer­ences hosted by multi­ple Hector Fellows. Hector Fellows who serve as Chair of a scien­tific confer­ence are eligi­ble for a Hector Fellow Academy Speaker's Award.


Research Areas

The Hector Fellow Academy brings together scien­tists in the STEM subjects — mathe­mat­ics, computer science, biology, chemistry, physics, engineer­ing — as well as medicine and psychol­ogy. The focus areas of the Hector Fellows include diverse fields such as astro­physics, molec­u­lar cell biology, machine learn­ing, nanotech­nol­ogy, deep-sea research, neuro­science, materi­als mechan­ics and bioinformatics.

The Academy connects its members and offers funding oppor­tu­ni­ties for inter­dis­ci­pli­nary research projects. This opens up new approaches to solutions for impor­tant issues facing society.

— Chemistry © artegorov3@gmail — Adobe Stock  © artegorov3@gmail — Adobe Stock — Physics © Natalya Yudina — Adobe Stock — Mathe­mat­ics © spainter_vfx — Adobe Stock — Infor­mat­ics © HTGanzo — Adobe Stock — Engineer­ing © agsan­drew — Adobe Stock — Psychol­ogy ©Aliak­sandr Marko — Adobe Stock — Medicine © putu aditya pramana/EyeEm — Adobe Stock — Biology



Hector RCD Awards Ceremony

Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment awardees:

To the news


Hector Science Award

Stefanie Dehnen and Matthias H. Tschöp receive the Hector Science Award 2024 for their research.


Hector Fellow Academy Symposium


Hector RCD Awards Ceremony

Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment awardees:

To the news


Hector Science Award

Hector Wissenschaftspreis 2024 - goetz-mueller

Magdalena Götz and Klaus-Robert Müller receive the Hector Science Award 2023 for their research.


10th anniver­sary of the Hector Fellow Academy


Hector RCD Awards Ceremony

Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment awardees:

To the news


Hector Science Award

Hector Wissenschaftspreis 2023 - Anna Wienhard & Christian Haass

Anna Wienhard and Chris­t­ian Haass receive the Hector Science Award 2022 for their research.


Hector Fellow Academy Symposium


Hector RCD Awards Ceremony

Hector Research Career Devel­op­ment awardees:


Hector Science Award

The Hector Science Award 2021 goes to Katrin Amunts.


Relaunch of the Hector Fellow Academy website


Hector RCD Awards ceremony


Hector Science Award

The Hector Science Award 2020 goes to Patrick Cramer.


PhD and Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects


Hector Science Award

Der Hector Science Award 2019 goes to Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer.


Hector Fellow Academy Symposium


Hector Scien­tific Award

The Hector Scien­tific Award 2018 goes to Bernhard Schölkopf.


Hector Scien­tific Award

The Hector Science Award 2017 goes to Brigitte Röder.


Hector Fellow Academy Symposium


PhD and Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects

PhD Projects:

Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects:





Hector Science Award

The Hector Science Award 2016 goes to Ralf Barten­schlager.


Hector Fellow Academy Symposium


Hector Science Awards

The Hector Science Award 2015 goes to  Peter Hegemann.

First Hector Fellow Academy Symposium


PhD and Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects

PhD Projects:

Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects:



Hector Science Award

The Hector Science Award 2014 goes to Eva Grebel and Thomas Lengauer.


First PhD and and Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Projects


Hector Science Award

The Hector Science Award 2013 goes to Antje Boetius, Christoph Klein and Karl Leo.


Found­ing of the Hector Fellow Academy


Hector Fellow Academy Sympo­sium 2022

„3D-Druck ‑Maßgeschnei­dert und auf Knopfdruck“
(Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftlicher Gastge­ber: Martin Wegener)



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